Congratulations, you submitted your story
Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.

Degree Program
Home Discipleship MinistersFifty-six-year-old Martha tells us about the CLI degree program: "The classes that I have taken so far have been a tremendously helpful tool in my ministry as well as for my lifelong dream of obtaining a degree."
Pursuing A Degree in the CLI…

Christian Life
America (United States), Free Online bible ClassesChristian Life
My name is Donald "Andy" Morgan and I am excited to live a Christian life. I am from the USA. Where I am from, being a Christian leader like all other places has its difficulties and challenges. I am blessed to live in an area…

My Ministry Dream to Be a Pastor
America (United States), Ministry School"I identify with the most is Pastor. God has put in my heart to lead the true spiritual Bible Believing Christians that want, and are filled with the Holy Spirit."
My Ministry Dream to Be a Pastor
Hello Brothers and Sisters my name is Ernesto…

Christian School
America (United States), Free College Courses"I have always felt that God had a calling on my life but never thought it was the kind of call where I was going to go back to a Christian school."
Christian School
My name is Robert Vogt and I am going back to Christian School ministry training…

Christian Leaders Education
Free Online bible Classes, Women's MinistryChristian Leaders Education
Hello, my name is Monalisa Ramos and I am receiving my Christian Leaders education at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in Dallas, Texas. I am the oldest of five children. I grew up in a broken home with no father.…

Online Free Bible Education
Free Online bible Classes, RwandaOnline Free Bible Education
Hello! My name is Olivier Nkurunziza and I am receiving online free Bible education at Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in 1985. I live in Rwanda, and I am married to Mukamisha Esperance. We have one baby…

My Journey Back to Ministry Training
Bible School InterestMy name is Jared Morris. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on August 5, 1986, to a single mother. My childhood was always fairly rocky but I made it through. In 1996, I first gave my life to Christ at Hoosier Hills Baptist Camp and was baptized…

Christian Leader Journey
Free College Courses, Youth LeadersChristian Leader Journey
My name is Sheila Rusche and I have been on a Christian leader journey. I was born and raised in a small town in Mississippi. I love the small town life! One benefit is that everyone knows everybody. One downfall is…

Minister Journey
Ministry Calling, Nigeria"I want to become a Minister in the Lord's army, carrying the torch of faith and salvation to all the corners of the world. And my minister journey begins here at CLI"
Minister Journey Of Life Thus Far
My name is Edward Ogbebor and this is…

Extraordinary Love
America (United States), Ministry SchoolExtraordinary Love of God
My name is Christine Vogt and the extraordinary love of God is calling me to serve. I reside in Georgia, USA. I grew up in a home where faith was not a high priority. The prevailing Catholic rituals for a young person…