Congratulations, you submitted your story

Your story will serve as motivation and encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can read some of the more recent stories from other students in your class below.


My Calling Journey

David Mutyaba has truly been on a journey, not just in his travels and moves around Uganda and South Africa, but a spiritual journey as well to discover God's call on his life. In his own words "my decision was that if God wants me to minister,…
Leader Journey

My Leader Journey

My Christian Leader Journey My name is Krista Ballard. I am on a Christian leader journey at CLI. I am from Pennsylvania in the USA. To be a Christian leader where I live means a lot of encouragement and boldness and support. Being a Christian…
Pastor Heart

My Pastor Heart

My Pastor Heart From God Hello, my name is George DeWitt and I have a Pastor heart for the lost. I live in the United States. I am a Pastor in the mountains of North Carolina. I love serving the Lord. I was saved in 1992, in a small church…
Chaplain Calling

My Journey - My Chaplain Calling

"I am fascinated with the curriculum CLI provides. With each class, I find myself more immersed in my Chaplain calling." My Journey - My Chaplain Calling My name is Arlene I. Salcedo, and I have a Chaplain calling on my life. I am married…
Christian Leaders Journey

Christian Leaders Journey

Christian Leaders Journey My name is Harvey Fry. I grew up in central Pennsylvania in the USA in a church attending family. After high school, I joined the Marines. Upon my return, I worked as a forklift driver at a warehouse. One of my coworkers…
Grace Saved

Grace Saved

Grace Saved through Christ My name is Micah Staples. I am grace saved (Ephesians 2:8) as are all of the people who have submitted their lives to Christ. I am not perfect by any measure, however, I have found myself desiring more depth in my…

My Dream to Reach the Unreached for Christ

"My ministry goal is to go back to my community and expand God's kingdom by recruiting and training young men and women and then sending them to the unreached areas where people are still spiritually hungry, and they will be fed with the Word." My…

A Leader In Training to Help Women

"Taking this Christian Leader Training class has renewed my foundation and my will to keep pushing, not just for me, but for all those who need God and need guidance to get where He is calling them to." A Leader In Training My name is Ornatta…

My Dream of Being a Preacher of the Word of God

"I would like to be a Preacher and a teacher of God's Word, bring people to Christ, disciple them and release them to fulfill the great commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ." My Dream of Being a Preacher of the Word of God My name is…
Called Ministry Training Journey

Called Ministry Training Journey

"I have been called to ministry several times over the years but I was always reluctant and very intimidated so I ignored the calling." Learn how and why Jacque is finally answering God's calling on her life as you read her called ministry training…
Get New Zealand Ministry Training

Attempted Murder Survivor Called to Minsitry

Get New Zealand Ministry Training Hello all. My name is Amanda Smith (nee Faulkner). I was originally born in Barry Island, Wales. My family and I moved to New Zealand when I was 5 years old. I am studying anew here at Christian Leaders…