Studying at Christian Leaders Institute


I am Darren Fabilane, from the Philippines. Currently, I live and work in the United Arab Emirates. I have been married to Arlyn for 10 years. We have our only daughter, Faith. An Engineer by profession, I serve as a pastor in a local church. I want to share my story about why I ended up answering God’s calling and am now studying at Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here).

Exposed to Christianity Young

I was not born a Christian, but I grew up in a Christian community from 6 years young. It was the church where we as a family regularly attended Sunday worship service. As young kids, together with my sister and brother, we were taught by Sunday school teachers. Then I went to college away from my family and our hometown. Sadly, I also went away from the church. City life was way different from the place I grew up in.

During my college study, I seldom went to church and had no Christian groups to be with. However, I did not forget my beliefs. I knew I was a Christian even though my actions sometimes don’t back it up. I still believed what I believed though I slowly was consumed by the world.

Changes and New Direction

Then, after graduating from college, an opportunity to work abroad came up. The dream of a greener pasture enticed me. So, I left my family at a very young age. My lifestyle continued to change, not for the better but under the call of this world. Then I met someone by divine appointment. This person invited me to attend their Bible Study Group. It continued for weeks, then months, and without knowing it, I was part of the group (should I say family) for a year. Then I realized that even though I grew up in a church community, I had so much to learn about Christianity, Christ, and His sacrificial Love for me to have eternal life.

Since then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I consistently grew in my knowledge and the grace of our Lord God. I committed to different ministries, attended lessons and training. Ten years later, God called me to be one of the pastors of that local church. I have been preaching, teaching, and encouraging everyone with God’s word.

Studying at Christian Leaders Institute

I do not have any formal education or a degree in my spiritual calling as a pastor. However, I have been attending seminars and free online classes to sharpen my mind and abilities, all for the Glory of God. Wanting to be better equipped, I came upon the Christian Leaders Institute website (divine appointment again). Now, I am studying at Christian Leaders Institute, sharpening the God-given talent for His glory. I pray to continue learning and doing what God has called me to do.

Therefore, I am optimistic because of God’s grace. I will update this testimony soon to encourage more people to study and be trained to reach out for more souls.