Study Theology and the Bible at CLI


I’m Allan Tendekai Marimanzi, from Harare the capital city of Zimbabwe. I study theology and the Bible at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). Growing up in a Christian family as well as going to Christian schools are things I am forever grateful for.

My Spiritual Journey

Born in 1998, I grew up in the rural area of Mutare. I felt my calling before my teen years. I had a strong desire to share the good news with others. Sometimes, as we were herding cattle, words to compose gospel songs would come into my mind. I composed more than one gospel song, but because there was no mentorship these all perished.

Yet, the desire to serve God did not die. In 2010, in my grade seven class, I wrote some verses on a love-shaped paper and stuck them near the class chats. It drew the attention of many students as well as the teachers. In high school, I was given some slots to present my devotions. It helped me grow into a good preacher. Still, I knew I needed to know more about God. So, I made a decision to study theology as soon as I finished high school. Then, I could become a pastor.

Finding CLI and CLI

When I finished high school, I applied to study theology in 2020 and was accepted. There, I met a lecturer who told me about CLI’s Leadership Excellence School as a way I could further my studies and acquire more knowledge about the scriptures and become a competent preacher. So, I grabbed the opportunity. Thanks to Christian Leaders Institute and CLI’s Leadership Excellence School, I’m furthering my study of theology and the Bible. Better still, I’m being trained to be a leader and minister.

There is nothing that satisfies me more than serving the Lord and working in His vineyard. In high school, I co-founded a Christian club called Pilgrims. There, we could help other students understand the scriptures. We also went to the nearby communities and would evangelize. We went to another high school where we launched our club as well.

Like David, I still crave for more. I will be satisfied one day when I wake up with God.