study the Bible

Study the Bible

My name is Saris Hovaguimian. I was born in 1962 in Aleppo, Syria. I lived in Lebanon until the age of 14, and I have been a resident of California since 1978.

I was brought up in a religious family, attending the Armenia Apostolic Cathedral. During my elementary school years, I attended an all-boys Catholic school. In my 20’s, I served in the Armenian Cathedral Choir for 15 years and helped raise funds to build a youth center . My family is very religious, God fearing, and relying on the tradition in the Church. I still see my mother and father reading the bible together. That is how they start their day.

During the time I was serving on the Church choir, I was attending law school and graduated with my Juris Doctor degree in 1987. During this time, I became distant from our Church, due to everyday Church politics, where as a young man, I walked away. As I moved further and further from my religion.

In 2112, when my career was at its top, I fell ill and I was diagnosed with congesting heart failure when my lungs were retaining fluids and I could not even walk five feet. It was so bad that I had to resign. I had to resign my position of Assistant Dean of Students at a private four-year college; I could not even leave the house. Thinking back, I believe it was God demanding my attention, when for ten years, nothing worked. After one year of doctors, and testing, I underwent a quadruple bypass. During the one year of home confinement, I started to follow Dr. Charles Stanley and his broadcasts, on a daily basis, and I started to study the bible myself. Something I had never done.

On July 18, 2014 at 5:30am as they were wheeling me into the operating room, I said “God, Your Will be done in my life. I thank you for your Grace that saved me through faith. I knew it was God’s plan, asking for my attention for obedience. That was the day where my life as a religious person ended and my relationship with God began. From that day on, my daily devotion in the mornings includes my daily reading, a conversation with the Lord, and in occasions, on my way to work, the presence of the Holy Spirit is so powerful, that the broadcasts on the radio are directed to me. I have learned to Trust God, Obey God and Leave all the consequences to HIM.

I was saved by His Grace, and by good works, it is my intention to live and walk with him, praising him, glorifying him on every turn on the road to salvation.

This is my sincere belief that I can make a difference in at least one person’s life, where they can see such a tremendous change, where I know, I have His Mercy and Grace, and that I was important enough where Jesus Christ, shed his blood, for my salvation.

Sarkis Hovaguimian, M.Ed., J.D
Corona, CA

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