Study Dreams

Study Dreams

My name is Michael Edwin Schooley. My study dreams are being realized at Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, the USA in 1996. Growing up, my family served diligently in church. Mom was a Sunday school teacher, and my Dad usually was on the worship team. Jesus was not just a Sunday subject in our home. There has not been a day that Jesus was not brought up in family discussions as well as Bible studies. I knew I needed Christ at six and gave my heart to him. To serve God, I felt a need to start by offering my servitude to my fellow man.

Jesus was in my thoughts daily. I longed all through school to seek after him. I also felt the world’s pressure to be “normal.” Sin was and is something of which I have always been very conscious. My friends never thought that they were doing wrong when I did. God has shown me through my past sins more and more why I need him. I know He will continue to show me my need for Him until my last breath.

Overcoming Learning Disabilities

I finished reading the Bible all the way through when I was twenty. This feat is a big deal to me. Growing up, I discovered I had learning disabilities in reading. God helped to grow in me a love for reading despite this fact. This love for reading gave me the ability to read His word.

I never felt I have a powerful testimony. All I can say is I have always known my wrongs. Jesus did too, and He died and rose from the dead knowing my sins and loving a sinner like me. I hope and pray God blesses my fellow brothers and sisters with joy and peace through my testimony of his unfailing love for me and you.

Now, I am taking these free online ministry training classes at Christian Leaders Institute. God has a plan for my life, and I am eager to serve where he leads me. Thank you, CLI, for this opportunity.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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