Strong Foundation

CLI graduate, Christina Morgan and her husband have built a life on God’s strong Foundation and hope to bring others to that strong foundation in their life.

Hello. My name is Christina Morgan, and I live in the United States. In 2011, I married a wonderful Christian man that I met through Singles Ministry. Before we married, we declared that God was our foundation, and I try to live that out through kingdom work. Though we legally have the freedom to worship, ministry in the United States is difficult because people are most content to ignore religion entirely and live for the day. I always dreamed of being able to volunteer and help in those many activities in which the church needs volunteers. Being single most of my life, I did not have time to commit fully to much. God has blessed me with a husband who finds my unpaid work for Christ more important than any other job I could have. Since we have the opportunity for me to remain at home, I have embraced all the ministry opportunities God has placed before me.

Christina Strong foundation was built at a young age and hard time in her life.

I have been a Christian most of my life. When I was in 1st grade, a VBS came to my school, and I accepted Christ into my heart. My parents had divorced before I was 1, and there were many difficult days ahead in my life. Those women who dedicated themselves to that Children’s Ministry gave me the armor I needed to be protected throughout my life.

Christina willingly wants to bring a strong foundation to those hurting in her community.

I currently work in several ministries in my community. I want to be educated and equipped to take these ministries as far as they can go. I want to have resources to grow the ministries and others within them. I am a small group and women’s ministry leader. I want to pursue every avenue God shows me to do my best work for Him.

I live in the American South or the Bible Belt, so I have the most openly Christian area imaginable. However, so many of the people here go to church for the social appearance and acceptance. Many claims to know Christ but only know about Him, and many are as close-minded and apathetic as everywhere else. The most challenging aspect of my work seems to be getting people beyond head knowledge and into heart knowledge. Most people have heard about Jesus most of their lives, have Christian examples in their families or friend groups, but just don’t want to put in any work to living a Christian lifestyle.

Christina’s mission and strong foundation are encouraged by her church family.

I have been blessed with a church that finds me worthy to teach and lead ministry work. I feel it necessary to do justice to their faith in me by learning and studying as much as I can to strengthen my leadership abilities.

CLI has given Christina the chance to built up her strong foundation further as well as grow in her knowledge.

Christian Leaders Institute will enable me to fulfill that goal in a way I wouldn’t otherwise be able. Thanks to the goal of CLI to provide free doctrinally sound ministry education. I will be more confident, more knowledgeable, more connected with others, and more effective in ministry to my Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

I ask for prayers in growing our volunteers and encouraging our women to be women of action. Pray that we are able to reach into our community and harvest fruit for Christ. I ask that I focus on what will glorify God and not external signs of success. Mostly, I ask for prayers that my heart, and those I lead, be open to the Holy Spirit and committed to following where He leads. 

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