Street Evangelist

Street Evangelist

My name is Ryan Grove. I am 33 years old and live in Maryland, USA, with my beautiful wife Danielle and our 4 children (ages 12, 9, 8, and 6; one of which was adopted last year). We are also foster parents to 2 other children. I am a plumber/pipefitter by trade and feel called to be a street evangelist.

I didn’t grow up in church. I can remember in elementary school going to a Vacation Bible School near us but other than that, we did not attend church or really talk about God. As a teenager, a friend invited me to a church overnighter where I met a girl and suddenly became interested in church mostly because of the girl (she later would become my wife). One evening, an evangelist by the name of Brian Beverly came and spoke. He gave the message of the Gospel and I responded. But I eventually stopped dating the girl and going to church. I went right back to living as if I wasn’t born again. But God had planted that seed. Later at around age 22, I heard a message by Bruce Wilkinson at an event in Cincinnati, Ohio. I felt the overwhelming presence of God and rededicated my life to him that day.

I have a passion for men’s ministry and evangelism. I’d like to start some sort of ministry in the construction field and/or street evangelist. I really feel a calling in these areas. I have been passive about my faith until a few years ago and I really feel God leading me toward relying on the Holy Spirit and a continual dying to self.

This first Christian Leaders Institute class has given me a clarity for the importance of daily devotion that I’ve been missing. It has confirmed my need for discipline in communicating with God. I realize my shortcomings and the joy that the cross has brought to my life. That gives me the hope and the desire to reach others for Christ! The Bible has taught me that we all fall short and that we are each headed for eternal punishment but that God sent His son to die in place of us if we repent and trust in Jesus. I’m so thankful for that message and am passionate about sharing it with others.

I’m thankful for the men in my church who have walked alongside me, mentored me and continue to do so. I’m looking forward to my training at CLI and the time and money that it will save from traditional ministry training. Having six kids and all of them in sports is time consuming so the availability of this training right on my phone is a huge blessing. Please pray that I continue to be disciplined in my walk and my studies so that through my relationship with Christ, I can reach out to others with the hope of repentance and faith!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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