Spirit Filled Ministry

Spirit Filled Ministry

My name is Peggy Oatis Flynn (recently married) and I am called to Spirit filled ministry. I reside in Tennessee in the United States of America. It is a joy to minister in the USA because you are free to teach the Word of God without being persecuted. I am an ordained minister and over the years have been a Sunday School Superintendent and an Assistant Pastor.

I was introduced to the Lord from birth. All of my family on both sides, biological and adopted parents, belonged to the apostolic church. I grew up playing the tambourine and praising God in the church. I strayed away from the church when I grew up and thought I could make it without God on my side. But, of course, that all changed over time.

My ministry dream is to bring back the power of the Holy Ghost filling the church – a Spirit filled ministry. I want to see people saved and wanting the fullness of Christ. I believe in true holiness and nothing else. My favorite scripture is in Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” I believe in seeking God first for all things and everything else will fall into place.

This first class at Christian Leaders Institute has truly been a blessing to me. I have learned so much in so little time. The videos and the readings have truly inspired me to continue pursuing this degree. I love the fact that it is online and I can do it at my own pace, which is fast. It is my dream to share an undiluted Gospel with the world.

There are two words that I identify with that is Pastor and Church Planter. I am constantly getting ideas about how a church should be and how to bring others to the forefront of ministry. I am working on how to start my own church and where. I will go where God sends me. If it is in my home city, then I will do it. If he sends me to another city I will go.

I had a very bad breakup in a relationship before I was called into ministry. I believe it was God’s way of getting my attention. That test was the hardest I had ever faced. But thanks to a man of God that labored with me and taught me who I was, I began to bounce back from a dark place and now I am shining like a star in Christ. I went back to my “first love”. Out of this heart-wrenching experience, I found a Spirit filled ministry calling.

There are some great challenges in my area and the main one is poverty. The poverty level is very high. People attend church, but many do not attend church for various reasons. The one reason I find is that people complain about the pastors begging for money, and they say they will not support a ministry. I want to change that attitude because giving is a part of the ministry and a building up of faith in God that He is the provider.

My local church is very supportive of women in ministry. I have a pastor who loves to assist in any way that he can. His wife is also in ministry and they are very supportive. My family is very supportive of my calling also, especially my mother and husband. My mother is an evangelist and plays a big role in counseling me and mentoring me. My children and other family members are supportive as well.

A scholarship at CLI would help with my dream of one day obtaining a doctorate in ministry. I love the fact that I can take the classes and then at the end receive my degree. It’s truly a blessing to have such a program online.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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