Sound Ministry Training

Sound Ministry Training

Grace to you. I’m Florentina Tahimik and I’m here at Christian Leaders Institute to receive sound ministry training and to pursue an understanding of God’s Word for a deeper relationship with my Lord and Savior- the Lord Jesus Christ. My husband Joel Tahimik is also a student here at CLI. The Lord has trusted us with three children. I’m active duty military stationed in South Korea.

I was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. I grew up Catholic, ingrained in religious tradition, and actively participated in youth groups. I was enrolled in an all-girls Catholic school where Catholic doctrine was taught as part of the curriculum. One lesson that I will never forget up to this day was the explanation presented to us regarding the feeding of the five thousand in our religion class. Our teacher who was also a nun told the class that the miracle of the feeding was not that Jesus was able to multiply the bread and fish rather it was of “sharing” the bread because the Jews always travel with provisions. At my young age, I was dumbfounded at her explanation. I knew that I did not accept that explanation and the pursuit to know the Lord Jesus Christ began. I went from one church to another. I read the only Bible in our house, which was really just the New Testament. I was surprised that the first four books I read were just like each other (the gospels). In the university I enrolled in, there were some students who were offering to study the Bible for free. I grabbed that opportunity and was soon a part of that religious organization. In my naivety, I was again deceived and self-deceived with false doctrine that looks like, smells like, feels like the real one but is not.

Thankfully, God in His graciousness, opened my eyes, enlightened my mind and heart to the truth and accurate teaching of the Word of God. There were some life-changing events that precipitated for me to finally understand sound doctrine. Being granted a scholarship at CLI will be a wonderful blessing. Not only will I be able to grow in the doctrines of grace, but also discover the ministry that God has allotted for me to do. (Ephesians 2:10).

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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