Sober Ministry Training

Sober Ministry Training

My name is James Tanner and I am receiving sober ministry training for free at Christian Leaders Institute. I currently live in Alpena, Michigan in the USA. I was the last born of three children, in 1991. I also have two beautiful daughters ages 8 and 4. I grew up attending church with my family, and I gave my heart to the Lord when I was five. I remember crying tears of joy and being so happy after I gave my heart to Him. At that time I would have never thought my life would have taken the twists and turns it did.

I drifted in my walk with God as the years went on. In my early teens years, I was looking “to fit in” and for acceptance. I got hooked on drugs and alcohol around the age of 13 and that continued for many years. I also got involved in many criminal activities, mainly trafficking drugs. I was incarcerated many times over the years. I managed to get through Concrete Tech. college and get a good job in 2013, but my drug addiction continued and kept progressing.

As I’m going through all this, I’m having God encounters, and having people witness to me. I remember having thoughts and dreams of ministering to troubled teens and addicts, even while I was in the chains of addiction. In 2016, God started removing those chains and helping me on my journey. God put a mentor Pastor in my life that brought me back to Christ. I started praying regularly, getting in the Word, going to Church and surrounded myself with Godly men. As I’m getting in the Word, God starts revealing things to me that I never understood in the Bible. As I’m connecting more and developing a relationship with God, I began cutting sin out of my life.

Today, I’m over two years clean and sober from all drugs and alcohol. I feel called to ministry and to receive sober ministry training. I’ve had a fire lit in me to reach out and share my testimony at local churches. And to encourage and minister to others. My ministry dream is to lead addicts and troubled youth to the Lord, as well as help families. And for God to use me whenever and where ever for his Glory.

I have a strong desire to get a deeper understanding of the Word and pursue ministry. A scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute is important to me for a variety of reasons. The two most important are: strengthing my own walk with God and being able to change the world by ministering to others. You can pray that God continues to work in me so I can produce good fruit for the Lord through my ministry.

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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