Small Group Minister

Small Group Minister

My name is Richard Connelly and I feel called to be a small group minister. I am blessed to live in the United States where you can minister to people without getting persecuted for trying to spread God’s word. It is a place where you sometimes have trouble witnessing to people because many have strayed from the word of God. But with persistence, you can accomplish the goal of reaching those who want to listen.

I came to know God at a young age. I went to Catholic school until the sixth grade then moved on to public school. I strayed from the Lord until I met my wife and we both gave our hearts back to serve the Lord. We both wanted to rekindle that relationship we had with God like when we were both growing up.

My ministry dream would be to start teaching Sunday school and Wednesday evening service. I feel I need to start a little at a time. I have a passion to reach out and teach others about the word of God. My dream would be able to one day deliver the Sunday message and also be a small group minister. I would like to be able to have the knowledge to go out into the streets and win souls over to God. I would like to start and lead a small group gathering with people who are not comfortable going to a formal church setting. I would like to lead as a small group minister.

Taking this class has strengthened me by giving me the knowledge and courage to pursue my calling and to teach and witness to people. The class has also renewed my connection with God by challenging me to dig more into the Word of God to get a better meaning and be able to use that teaching later when sharing with others.

The word that I identify with is an evangelist and small group leader. I would love to preach the word of God to others but I would also like to teach on a personal level in a small group setting. The person that prompted or encouraged me to pursue my ministry goals is my Pastor. He is a great teacher who likes to push people out of their comfort zone and encourage them to find their calling.

For me connecting with the Bible has brought about a better attitude and discipline for study. It has a great impact on raising my family in a Christian manner and belief system. My local church is very supportive of my ministry. They have given me encouragement and also are holding me accountable to do the best I can do. The pastor is always available if I need help or mentoring while I am pursuing my goal as a leader. They also allow me to do small group studies to get me over the fear of leading a group or saying the wrong words in front of a group of people.

The scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute is important because I cannot afford to go to a seminary or college. CLI makes it possible to get the training and certificates needed to show my education. CLI also gives the training needed to move ahead with my goal of starting my ministry.

To learn about local “ecuministry” ordination go to Christian Leaders Alliance.

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