Small Group Leader Training

Small Group Leader Training

Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing small Group Leader Training and be a part of the spread of the Christian revival! Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers the ability to earn a scholarship for high-quality online ministry training. This training allows you to become a leader in the Christian movement and to follow your dreams.  CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the scholarship for pursuing small group leader training. 

I was born in Venezuela and I am currently leaving in Houston, Texas. I have been in the USA for at least 3 decades. This city is an international metropolis with lots of immigrates coming from similar Spanish cultures with whom I share the language and some culture. So, I am hoping to focus my ministry on this group of Spanish speaking people.

I was raised in a Catholic home. When I came to the US, I accepted the Lord as my savior and was baptized. In a few years, I will be retiring from my secular job. I want to prepare for serving the Lord in the field. And I am hoping this formal education at CLI will help me be more effective in sharing the gospel with people around this area and/or somewhere in Latin America.

The class I have taken thus far has provided me with lots of beneficial information, like the importance of forming good habits, solid basic principles, Bible study Technics, wisdom, solid doctrine, etc. It is like a refreshing wind. I am hoping to continue to grow and learn as I take other classes and receive small group leader training.

For my mission work, I identified more with a Small Group leader. I have helped start several small Spanish missions. I have found I am better at relating to people on a one to one basis and hospitality is one of my spiritual gifts. Some of the challenges in Houston is the size of the geographic area and the lack of good public transportation, but I hope to overcome these obstacles.

My regular Bible reading brings transformation to my life daily. The chapter and lectures from Steve Elzinga were so much on target about the benefits and blessings deriving from having good habits and addressing the seven fronts in the journal to a better personal relationship with the Lord and the world around us.

My local church support is not very defined yet. At this point, I am in transition to a new Hispanic Mission at a local Baptist church.

The scholarship has encouraged me to pursue additional Christian education and to focus on God’s future plans for my life. I do not have to worry about financial means. I am able to solely focus on my dreams and goals.

You can pray for better discernment and obedience to follow the will of God in my life and my wife. Also, for my two adult children to strengthen their personal relationship with God

Check out more stories about CLI students pursuing small group leader training, becoming leaders in Christian ministry, and much more on the CLI Facebook page

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