Sherri’s Spiritual Journey Led to CLI

Sherri’s Spiritual Journey Led to CLI

My name is Sherri Bartholomew, and here is Sherri’s spiritual journey thus far. I am from the United States of America and reside in the state of Ohio with my husband and our six children. Having grown up in a Catholic home, I had many wonderful mentors throughout my childhood.

I indeed had a love for God at a young age. However, it was not until I went through some major trials in my early twenties that I truly began wanting to understand God’s Word better. I also wanted to have a personal relationship with God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. After going to a local Bible study, I started attending a Protestant church in my town. I began learning more about God’s love and grace, as well as what it means to follow God and live for Him.

(My) Sherri’s spiritual journey has had its ups and downs. However, even though my faith has wavered at times, God does not let me fall away. He always brings me back to Him and gets me through it all. I love continuing to learn about His Word and living life for Him to build my faith up stronger.

My husband and I have six children that we homeschool. I would not be able to afford taking classes to strengthen my knowledge and to train to help reach others. Therefore, the free ministry training I receive through the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) is essential to me. With the CLI education and my past life experiences and trials, I hope to reach out to many others that are hurting and struggling in life. I want to show them the gifts God has for them as they follow Him.

Learn about minister ordination opportunities at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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