My name is Shayla Cresse. I was brought up in the Christian community. I was saved at the age of 7 and have strived to follow Jesus since. When I was in High School I wanted to be a Worship Pastor. Music and worship was a passion of mine. Since then I have dug deeper into the word and would like to be a Pastor. I identify most with Youth Leader, my husband and I have recently become the Youth Leaders of our Church. There was a need for a Youth Leader and we stepped up. Since then God has led us down a path I never would have guested would be the plan for my life.
I live in Florida and the biggest challenge for me would be to make sure I do not fall into the temptations of society. Where I live it is all about money, statues and what you look like. My Pastor has been a big encouragement and mentor in my ministry calling. He has given wonderful advice and mentorship. My husband has been a blessing through my ministry training. His encouragement, love and support has helped keep me going.
In order to grow in ministry I need the correct bible training to equip me for the future. A scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute would allow me to obtain that. I need prayer for strength to continue on in what Jesus has called me to do and the opportunity to fulfill it.

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