Semper Reformanda

Semper Reformanda

The Latin “Semper Reformanda” means “Always Reforming”. It’s my personal motto, and that of the ministry God has put me in. In everything I do, I pursue to always be reforming more and more to live in accordance with God’s commands.

I was born in Hollywood, Florida (USA) in 1973. My dad is from Cuba, and my mom from the North Eastern United States. I grew up normal…whatever normal is. Went to public school, and then joined the United States Army. I served in Berlin, Germany, and with the 101st Airborne Division. Since my youth, I was involved in typical American Evangelical society. Not much conviction…not a clear godly walk. It wasn’t until years later when I finally started to “fear” the Lord. It became more clear to me that He is the complete sovereign of the entire universe! He is a real king with a real kingdom. My loose theology promoted loose living, and God let me know how loose in very quick order. He convicted me, and I fell at His feet for mercy and grace, and He freely gave it. The scary thing is this; I pastored while being unrepentant for years.

Thankfully, God has given me a second chance when I deserved nothing but His complete wrath. This scholarship from Christian Leaders Institute will allow me to gain the quality education that I always wanted to get. God has called me, and I am humbled by the generosity of CLI and those who have given to allow me to study here.

The Ministry God has given me is the Protestant Reformation Society. This ministry is to bring believers together to discuss the Reformation, it’s main characters, the era, and Protestant Theology; not for the purpose of glorifying men, but to encourage a life of repentance; of continuing the Reformation in individual hearts, and in local churches. As Martin Luther said, “We are beggars.” We can never forget that.

Please pray that PRS continues faithfully in its mission. Many people mistakenly think that ministry in the USA is easy. The US is becoming more and more hostile towards authentic Christianity. Society hates us because it loves the darkness. Pray that we always see the opportunities that God places before us to share light!

God is so incredibly good. He is so holy. And He loves us, His children. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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