Search for Advanced Ministry Training – CLI Providing Opportunity

CLI graduate Lily Frazier was on a search for advanced ministry training for her passion and calling to be a Christian leader.

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am Rev. Lily Frazier, and it probably sounds strange to hear the Reverend title from someone who is looking for ordination. Let me clear it up.

I am a stay at home caregiver, wife, mother, grandmother and felt the calling of the Lord to ministry -SO STRONG- and ground shaking that I was moved to act upon it.

Lily was earnestly on a search for advanced ministry training for the calling in her life. She hadn’t found what she was looking for right away.

I searched online for Christian ordination and training, but to my dismay, I only found mail order credentials. These, although being legally binding, did not give me the training and education to go along with it. Reluctantly, I sent off for my credentials, knowing full well that God does not call the equipped; he equips the called. It was less than a month later when I was called to officiate a funeral and, because of these credentials, I was able to do just that (with the help of our local church pastor’s guidance).

Lily had some obstacles in her life that made her search for advanced ministry training online.

Still there was so much more to learn. How would I ever be able to find schooling without leaving my disabled spouse alone? I was troubled, and I prayed and prayed that God would open the door, and I would find the learning I need to continue according to his plan for my life.

Just as quickly as Lily’s search for advanced ministry training had come, her search ended as God opened the door for Lily at CLI.

And, just as suddenly as my calling came to me, I found CLI. I know it was a “God thing”. It could be nothing else. Accredited schooling, knowledgeable professors and experienced ministers all coming together to share the gospel and TRAIN me! Praise God!

I am now enrolled in the Associates degree program and have completed the academic requirements for Ordained Officiant. I am humbled and blessed to know that my mentor, my spouse, and my friends will be instrumental in my walk of faith. They will be helping me to see what I don’t see and holding me accountable to this calling.

I don’t know what this will lead to, but as long as God is in it, I will trust Him to lead the way. Yes, he has made my joy full.

In His Amazing Love,

Rev. Lily Frazier

Justifying Grace Christian Ministries

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