Scholarships for Free Courses Online
Scholarships for Free Courses
In 2020, Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here) granted 10,802 study scholarships. Each of these students got access to over 100 college and ministry training classes and low-cost programs that kept students out of debt!
So many Christians would love to study Biblical college-level courses. College costs continue to skyrocket. Read here about skyrocketing student debt.
Christian Leaders Institute Scholarships for Free Courses
Since 2006, Christian Leaders Institute has been offering scholarships for free courses online. Now over 100 study courses are offered to students who are granted scholarships. A limited amount of scholarships will be granted each year for free study. So far, we have been able to meet the demand. You apply for the scholarship by simply completing the Getting Started Scholarship Class. If scholarships are available, the Getting Started Scholarship class will allow you to enroll. You have one month to complete the scholarship class, or you may have to attempt to enroll again. Study scholarships are granting to any student that completes the Getting Started Scholarship Class. This activity-class takes less than two hours to complete.
After completing this scholarship course, which takes less than two hours to complete, you are welcome to study the following topics.
My name is Angela Bergmann. Born in Southern Manitoba, I have lived in Manitoba my entire life. I am a stay-at-home mom to five children, all teenagers.
I grew up going to church with my family. My parents were both Christians, and I read my Bible, went to Sunday School, and memorized scripture from a very early age. I gave my life to Christ several times as a child because I was scared to go to hell.
When I was 19, my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I prayed fervently for God to heal my mom. I watched her fade away over the next eight months. She held close to her faith until the angels came to take her home to heaven. Although her life and faith were a wonderful testimony, I struggled to understand why God hadn’t answered my prayer. As a result, I drifted away from a God I could no longer trust.
I met my husband on a blind date a year after my mom died. We got married less than a year later. Fortunately, he was a strong Christian, also born and raised in a God-fearing home. We’ve been through many struggles together including two miscarriages, house fire, several career changes, and a small business start-up. However, because of my trust issues, our relationship suffered as each of our children came along. We ended up getting help from a Christian marriage therapist five years ago. We put in the hard work of repairing our relationship, and we’ve continued to grow closer and closer since that time.
At around the same time, I was struggling as an in-home personal trainer for postpartum women. My physical health made it difficult for me to do the things I loved. My mental health was also affected due to chronic injuries that seemed to multiply. God had laid it on my heart two years earlier that He wanted me to study His Word. However, I continued to busy myself with many other things instead. It took a few other issues in my personal life for me to realize that I needed to stop running away from God and the calling He had put in my heart.
In 2019, I began to say “no” to what I wanted and “yes” to God. I was working as a freelance writer at the time. I quit my writing contracts one by one. God had to pry the last one out of my untrusting hands. We needed the money more than I needed to study my Bible, right?
I got into the Word only to realize I knew very little about the Bible. In my quest to study the Bible more effectively, I took several online courses here and there. When COVID hit and more online learning options arose, I figured that I might be able to find a reputable Bible school that would fit my schedule and budget. I started by taking an evening course at Millar College of the Bible. In December 2020, I stumbled upon CLI. The scholarships for free courses fit our family’s tight budget, and the flexible learning was perfect for my role as a busy mom and wife.
Studying the Bible has blown my mind wide open to who God truly is. I now see why my mom was able to trust God as she faced her inevitable death. My appetite for the Bible continues to grow, and I’ve found that same peace in God that she had. Praise God, He has been so good to me!