Rwandan Free Ministry Training

Rwandan Free Ministry Training

Rwandan Free Ministry Training – My name is Gustave Ujeneza 38 years old, I am Rwandan. I was born one child in the family and before I was 15 years old I lost my parents. This was the biggest challenge situation in my life, but, on the other hand, was the beginning of my journey with the God that is Father to the fatherless, (psalm 68:5-6)

In 2001 I was invited by a small group of Christians, and I heard the word of God, the preacher said that we all have the spirit of God within us but because of our everyday life’s struggles; we don’t listen to the voice of that spirit. I was touched by the Word, nd I knew that voice was always talking to me but often ignore it. At the end of the service, we had a time of repentance and confessed our sins. This was the beginning of my joy and successful life.
My leaders helped me in a personal walk with God, and as I grew up, they trained me in ministry. The gifts of the Holy Spirit started to minister; the preaching came first, and others followed.

In 2010, I got my lovely wife, and now we have two kids. In 2011, I went to South Africa/Polokwane, attended the Light of The Nations Bible College for a one-year certificate program. In 2012 back in Rwanda serve in Omega Church/Kigali-Rwanda. In 2013, I was an ordained pastor.

In 2014, I and my family migrated to the USA. Currently, we live in Ohio State, and I am a student in Sinclair community college, I and my wife we are serving the Lord in the New Hope African Fellowship and other African Churches here in Dayton/Ohio.

My ministry dream is to see Christians who are genuine form the bottom their hearts not only attending the church and ministering. I think this is one the big challenges that the church is facing worldwide, and I want to be a part of the solution.

CLI scholarship will help me to be grounded, equipped in the Word of God and ministry training. Moreover, I am going to gain more reverence and relevant personal walk with God. These will enable me to start my dream ministry to train local ministry leaders. I found out that many of them have started ministries and had followers, but some of these leaders are not trained and equipped. This problem causes much chaos in ministry.CLI ministry training is the answer; we can attend on line classes that are high standard, quality, flexible and free. I want to bring this Rwandan Free Ministry Training everywhere!

Pray for me that my dream comes true, I want to start the Rwandan Free Ministry Training for local leaders here in Dayton/Ohio and in Africa Rwanda, Burundi, to the neighboring countries and more else the Lord will take me.
GOD bless CLI.

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