My name is Robert Lee Wilson am 58 years old and was born and raised in the hills of Tennessee in 005_edited-1the United States of America. I was fortunate and proud to serve my country in the military at an early age. Before that I was raised in a poor rural area working in tobacco fields and on farms just to scratch out a small living with my father, mother, brother and sister.

I now live in a small town in Church Hill, Tn. with my wife. I am the father of two sons and two daughters and the grandfather of a little girl and one precious little boy whom played a big part of bringing me back to the path of righteousness of the Lord. As a teenager we did not have very many opportunities to go to church but when we did it was a Baptist church. I was saved in 1982 in an Apostolic church. I was a backslider and did not live a true Christian life as the Lord would have me to. I became an alcoholic and drank for many many years, but although I drank all those years I always took care of my family.

As my children grew up even though I was a sinner and not a very good example I tried my best to steer them toward the Lord. Since then I have repented of my sins attend a small Apostolic Church. I have been baptized in the name of Jesus, and am trying to reach out to other sinners so that they might here the Gospel. With the help of CLI and the education I could receive here, It would make it possible for me to have the knowledge I need to reach out and be an Evangelist to many who do not have the opportunity to here the Word Of God.

May The Lord Be With You Always

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