revival vision

Lily Frazier has a revival vision that started with music. Music was her passion – her world! She shared the joy of music with everyone through leading worship and singing at various places.

But when God put a further revival vision on her heart, Lily needed a place where she could come to study. When she discovered CLI, it seemed to good to be true. She could get a Bachelor of Divinity without relocating and racking up tens of thousands in college debt?! Was this just a scam, or was this God’s provision for her to pursue her revival vision?

As she completed classes, Lily saw that the CLI degree was of high quality. They had options for her to continue her education at great seminaries in the U.S. And best of all, the class schedule allowed her the flexibility she needed to continue to care for her family, including her disabled spouse.

I am so very thankful to have had the amazing educational support from CLI. I live in a small town in Indiana, USA. From the time I was small, I had the dream of becoming a singer. This dream led me to singing at weddings, and nursing homes, and, later in life, to lead worship music for the local Methodist church where I attended each Sunday. I thought that music was all that I was called for.. Boy was I wrong..

I was given the amazing opportunity to attend a weekend retreat called – The Walk to Emmaus.. During this renewal and awakening experience- I found a new passion to get to know Christ as my personal savior on an even deeper, more real level.. I have been hanging on to his guidance ever since.

My dream and focus have changed over the years, as God has revealed his will for my life, and as I have learned to listen more.. I don’t always get it right – but I do my very best – and God knows my heart.

My spouse of 11 yrs. is a Desert Storm Veteran who is 100% disabled. So the fact that I can take my seminary schooling online- means the world to me. CLI has made that possible and I could not be more thankful because it is leading me to become a student pastor at our local church. The Associates and Bachelors degrees I will obtain through CLI will allow me the credits to transfer to a Seminary where I can continue most of my studies online and obtain my Masters of Divinity degree. This Master’s of Divinity that I am preparing for will allow me to meet the requirements needed at the regional level of our church, so I can be then approved by the congregation and be seek ordination through the Indianapolis region of the Disciple of Christ church.

CLI has allowed me the chance to get quality – accredited educational studies and degrees from home, and this for me – is an answer to prayer. I am a full-time caregiver in my family and have first and foremost the needs of my loved ones to care for. With CLI- I am able to be obedient to the calling that God put upon my heart, and still care for those I love. The time and love and commitment CLI has put into these classes is very appreciated. Thank you for sharing my story, and please continue in prayer as I learn and grow to be who God wants me to be..

Now Lily is ordained in women’s ministry through the Christian Leaders Institute Women in Ministry ordination. She’s continuing to study to complete the bachelor of divinity degree and pursue the revival vision God has given her for her community.

If you have a revival vision, you can come to Christian Leaders Institute to get training too. We offer a wide variety of free classes designed specifically to train people for ministry in the church. We also offer an associate of divinity and a bachelor of divinity degree, for which administrative fees will apply.

To enroll in classes at CLI, click this link and fill out the application. You can get started right away!

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