Revival Ministry Dream For My Community

Revival Ministry Dream

My name is Cynthia G. Brown, and I have a revival ministry dream. My pen name is Carrie Hannah with Christian Faith Publishing. I live in the United States in Buena Vista, Virginia. Born and raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I came back to the Lord six years ago in December. I am a stage four cancer survivor. By the grace of our Lord, I walked off dialysis and am a survivor of domestic violence and drug and alcohol addiction.

My dream is to open Phoenix Grace House Ministries. I want to be a church planter and revivalist. I wish to be a Barnabas to the churches. My revival ministry dream is to help churches come into revival. Many churches in my community and the surrounding areas are dying out. I want to help churches find their gifts in the Holy Spirit to reach lost souls in my town.

Free Ministry Training

Christian Leaders Institute is giving me the tools. I want to bring a vision to my area. The tools I am learning are equipping me to find my strengths and my weaknesses. Every class, I learn more about leadership, following my Savior’s plan for my life, and how to improve my walk. My relationship with my Lord has grown from the teachings of the Christian Leaders Institute. I don’t have all the answers, and I still have a lot more to learn. My Lord has all the answers. Without these courses, I feel that I would lack the knowledge to lead. I am developing skills to greater serve the embodiment of Christ.

My revival ministry dream and call are to be a Church Planter. I want to carry on the ministry of my Lord in service to others. I want to watch others grow in their walk with the Lord, finding their gifts and encouraging those gifts. Because the Lord has called me, I pursue my revival ministry dream. I seek ministry by the example of my family. Among my family are ministers, missionaries, church planters, Gideon workers, Board Leaders, volunteers, military, songwriters, artists, singers, and teachers. My dad is a gifted teacher of the word.

I have felt the calling since childhood but took another direction in my life. When I came back to the Lord, the calling stirred in my heart and my soul. The challenges I face in my area are drugs, crime, one parent households, and lack of high paying jobs. Those that get in trouble can’t get a second chance. Most people of education leave our area, and the people are losing hope and vision.

Calling and Support

I have a great support system, and for that, I am blessed. The church I grew up in was born in a revival in 1920 and is still in revival fire today even through the difficult times in our community. The experiences I had growing up in the church will aid me in my ministry. My knowledge path began in this church. My new church, The Gathering Place, is a small church with beautiful followers of Christ. We are seeing the unchurched come to our doors. We pray daily one for another and support each other’s ministries. When one soul finds their way to the truth, the whole body rejoices.

I volunteer at the Nazarene Church that operates the Food Bank and Clothing Bank for our community. Sam, our leader, is a real hometown hero. She tirelessly shows us how to love our community. Food is given out. People are being fed both spiritually and physically. I feel blest to be a part of it. My family is devoted to our area for kingdom work. By their example, I learned to be a servant.

Having this revival ministry dream opportunity for free training at CLI allows me not to have a huge debt. So then, churches that can’t afford my services obtain them at no cost. I want to shine my light throughout the community.


Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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