Revival Leadership Training- A Shepherd for the Light

The Bible informs us that we should get an understanding, but sometimes there isn’t an opportunity to ask the right questions or in some cases we want to seem as though we know all the answers. The CLI basic course has given me answers. Not answers about what the Word of God says, but answers to who God wants me to be. I was dealing with some doubt about being a Co-Pastor and what the duties entailed. I was questioning God regularly about His decision to call my husband to a Pastoral commitment and I was at a level of sadness because I wasn’t sure of myself or this call that I felt had been forced upon me. Through my studies, I learned to hear the voice of the Lord, change my thought pattern, understand who God really is and the relationship He desires to have with me. He opened my eyes to the many connections I can make and I learned all this through the time I started spending with Him in prayer, opening up His word more, and repeatedly sharing the excitement that was coming off the pages.

Revival Leadership Training Guides Us in How to Lead Others

My name is Tina and I live in the United States. Although I live in the United States, I sometimes feel isolated in the ministry because the sin of mankind has grown exponentially. We are still free to worship, but the restrictions are compounding daily. I will always proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I will never agree with sin. The world in which we live in has tried to satiate us with all that’s wrong before the Lord and it is imposing its views on us while slowly stripping us of our religious freedoms. Whereas I don’t live in a country that is persecuting me yet, there is definitely a second persecution of Christ and all that He stands for. We have to mind that we aren’t imposing our views on others. Yet it’s perfectly fine for all the things that oppose Christ to have a spot in the limelight. We are infringed upon through television shows, commercials, billboards, school curriculum, and radio talk shows that teach our kids that sin is okay. The experiences that are out there are far from God and lacking the moral integrity of Christ. It will be highly important for true believers to truly walk this Christian life upright before God so that we can hear from heaven.

I was born again at the age of twelve. Thanks to an aunt who was persistent with her Christian walk. My experience with God has been a joyous one, but there has been things lacking. I was not sure what it was until I started these basic courses with CLI in revival leadership training. The thing that I realized is that God’s word is deeper than I had ever experienced. As I began this course my thoughts were that I knew a great deal about what the word says and how to operate in the word, as well as the infinite power of God’s word to transform lives. What I hadn’t counted on was that in the very basic principles of God’s word was a transformation for me. As we met every Tuesday night to discuss the Word in a structured course, the Holy Spirit of God illuminated the Word and the words that were on the page began to live in my soul in a deeper aspect.

My husband is a called Pastor and through his divine calling I accepted my calling as well. It was rather difficult at first, but my husband assigned me as the leader of the CLI discussions and my task was to make sure everyone in the room left on one accord. Not only did we enjoy the discussions and were able to totally agree about the word, I went to another spiritual level in God and my life has started this metamorphism into the woman of God that He wants me to be.

We have bible study every Thursday at our church and the study is rich, but in that study I’m a participant in a different manner than my revival leadership traing in CLI. I’m a student on Thursday nights, but on Tuesday’s I have to impart the Word using the CLI curriculum and the Word has to come to life. So I strive harder to gain an understanding which has increased my seeking the Lord. As I have sought diligently after the Lord in these studies, I’m finding Him in ways that I never imagined.

We desire the sincere, effectual, and fervent prayers of the righteous to help us keep the mind of Christ and the focus of God in our ministry.


 Revival Leadership Training

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