Revival Leader Free Training at CLI

Revival Leader Free Training

I am Neba Festus from Cameroon, and I am receiving revival leader free training at CLI. I live in Bamenda City, the central town of the North West Region. Heavy gunshots between the Separatist fighters and the Military are a daily occurrence. Large numbers of people are killed daily. We have been at war for the past three years. Suffering, pain, and misery is the order of the day. My town is deserted, but I thank God for his Grace.

I was born in 1994 to Cameroonian parents. Later, I had one younger sibling. I grew up in a Christian home with my grandparents who were Roman Catholics. The burning desire to become a priest was my everyday dream. After my primary school education, I left for the city where I attended college. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Accounting in 2016.

Salvation in Christ

In the city, I was exposed to more Christian knowledge. Though attending the church, I realized there was more to Christianity than just the Sunday mass. The recitations were more of a ritual to me. My heart longed for more as I was thirsty and hungry for God. In the quest for knowledge and God, I came across a friend who invited me to a Pentecostal Church where I received Christ as my Lord and Savior.

As I grew in the Lord and in the Spirit, the burden for lost souls burned in my bones. I sensed the call of God upon me for the nations as I witnessed to the unsaved. As I began deeper fellowship and Bible study, I came to understand the Grace of God in a new way. I thought my salvation depended on what I do, but it does not. In the course of my questions for more information, mentors and ministers of the gospel helped me to understand the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Finding Revival Leader Free Training at CLI

Accepting the call of God upon my life was a bold step. I just graduated and needed to work as the oldest son to take care of my sibling. But the Burden for my Country and the Revival of my Country gave me restless nights. My mentor, Apostle Daniel Obase, was a major contribution and a drive for my spiritual quest. His words of a father are playing a major role.

Being called into Apostolic work requires me to be properly and thoroughly equipped. In my search for revival leader free training, I got in contact with Sister Patricia Corey who introduced me to Christian Leaders Institute. Obtaining training in ministry will be an added value and push for the revival of my country. My further goal is to bring revival from my country to other African countries and the world at large. Also, I want to plant churches all over my nation and beyond.

Prayer Request

Knowing Christ and making Him known is one of my major objectives. The revival leader free training at CLI will be a building block for further study. Then, I can bring the fire of revival as a trained leader to the nations. Please, pray for my nation, Cameroon, a major outbreak of revival, and an end to the war. Blessings to you all!

Learn about ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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