Revival Dream
Revival Dream
CLI Student, Elieser Mercado Jr, has experienced the suffering this world is filled with but he has not been overcome by pain instead a revival dream has been stirred in Elieser.
Read Elieser’s testimony in his own words below:
My name is Elieser Mercado Jr. better known as “Pastor Eli.” I am 34 years old and currently reside in Orlando, Florida. I was born in Brooklyn NY. of Puerto Rican parents Elieser Mercado and Iris Santiago. I have a total of 4 amazing sisters that range from the age of 32 to 15 years old and with that came a handsome nephew and 2 beautiful nieces which melt my heart on a consistent basis.
I was brought up in a pentecostal church where unfortunately tradition and religion were a need for the gain of salvation. I was taught ritualistic Behavior, in essence, everything that opposes Grace. My parents became pastors in a hostile part of Brooklyn called Brownsville or East New York. The schools were rigged of gang violence and I got caught in that by default, the ones who would help me had parents that were very involved in gang activity. Looking back at that place I can see how God’s hand was over my life providing protection and keeping my heart interested in who He was.
My parents were pastors and both of their parents were pastors also, I think I’ve been called to Pastorship by genetic default, kidding of course! When I was about 10 years old my parents took me to a church called Brooklyn Tabernacle in Coney Island, New York. I distinctly remember that there was a clown Ministry to kids and then this clown did something amazing. He compared him dressing up as a clown to when Jesus dressed up as a man and gave up his power to be able to reach mankind. He proceeded to take off his clown makeup and taught us that when Jesus died and Resurrected he was transforming back into his Divine State and at that young age it hit me. All that Jesus had done with me in mind. This was the first true encounter I had, after that I was in love with Jesus.
My father unexpectedly passed away when I was 12 years old due to a stroke. Which needless to say was pretty traumatic for my family and for myself. I truly started having to seek truth for myself and gave me a chance to let go of religion and truly start to seek a relationship. This also gave me a passion for reaching out to this generation that I know from personal experience and experiences of people that are near and dear to my heart, that somehow, someway we have been fatherless.
I truly believe that the United States of America and many places around the world have had a lack of mentorship. There are very few, that are willing to become a father, for many reasons which are probably unmeasurable. This is why I believe Christian Leadership Institute (CLI) is so important. CLI is just not creating a platform that is accessible and in my opinion Kingdom Minded, but also, CLI is taking a huge part in providing the proper mentorship that was not given to many that have not had a father figure.
CLI is granting me the necessary tools that I need to be an equipped spiritual father, able to enable and equip others in their walk with God and therefore ensuring that they effectively affect those in their sphere of influence. I am so grateful that this Vision was implanted I’m a man with a kingdom mindset and with a heart to reach people and see them walking out there calling.
My prayer and revival dream is that this would spread out like wildfire and people start to perceive the necessity of equipping themselves. I believe this will have a huge impact in the Ecclesia and this will provoke a new wave of Revival in the United States and all over the world. I ask that you keep me in your prayers as well, for God to provide resources but more importantly to give me boldness, guidance, and wisdom to walk out every inch of what has been predestined for me.
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