Restorative Justice Minister


Called as a Restorative Justice Minister

My name is Michael Moss. My calling is as a restorative justice minister who shares the good news of Christ. I was an atheist pulled from the darkness by God’s supernatural love. Because of the love and forgiveness of Christ, I received a second chance and a purposeful focus.

My Struggles

I grew up in an unloving home with abusive parents. When I was 12 years old, I ran away for the first time. I spent the next 14 years in and out of young offenders’ institutions, correctional centers, and prisons. In maximum security, I met my uncle for the first time since I was a child. One week later, he committed suicide. At that moment, I realized I couldn’t live like that anymore. When released from prison, I built a life and eventually met a beautiful woman and started a family.

From the beginnings of my beautiful family, addiction and alcoholism were woven into every aspect of my life. Childhood trauma, depression, and anxiety held me back from letting people into my life. Those trust issues left me alone and bitter. Eventually, my lifestyle, addiction, and selfishness escalated and pushed the people closest to me away. I continued down that path until the thought of suicide was the only thing that gave me a sense of relief.

God Became Real to Me

Then one morning, I sat on the edge of the sofa. My eyesight left me and was replaced with a rolling drum spinning a thousand rpm. As quickly as it came, it went. I walked around the house, dazed and filled spiritually. In the following weeks, I tried pushing what I had seen out of my mind. However, God had a different plan. First, the coincidences started small and were easy to chalk up as randomness. But as two turned to twelve, and twelve tuned to dozens, and people came into my life, one after another, I realized that the God that I thought was superstition was alive. I realized that God wasn’t a billion miles away, he was here. God touched my life personally. He’s guided me, directed me, and loved me.

Called as a Restorative Justice Minister and to Study at CLI

Through the love of Christ, I am a forgiven man. I owe my life to Christ’s love. It is because of that love, that I know what love is. God has given me a dream of sharing the good news of Christ to people with addictions, released from prisons, and struggling in the streets. So I sought free ministry training online. I found the Christian Leaders Institute and started classes. Thank you, CLI!

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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