Restoration Ministry Purpose

Restoration Ministry Purpose: Called For a Purpose on Purpose

My name is Fiona Currie, and I have a restoration ministry purpose and call on my life. I currently reside in the Republic of Ireland.

I believe God called me here for a purpose. God made the way here for us by supernatural means of the provision to be part of a revival for His Kingdom here in Ireland. I will serve in a Ministry here to help lead many of the Catholic and Pagan believers and cultures into changing. To bring them to believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Messiah. Sharing that salvation comes through our Lord Jesus Christ and not in any other means or works or beliefs.

My ministry dream is to share my story of complete restoration through Jesus Christ. Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him by the blood of Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” I want to make myself available to speak at women’s meetings and conferences.

Calling and Training Purpose

This ministry class at Christian Leaders Institute has strengthened me and enlightened my past mistakes. Being in leadership positions ‘ruling with the iron fist’ is not effective leading. I have been exposed to this kind of leadership from previous superiors in various jobs I have held. In the Kingdom of God, this is not effective. We are to inspire others, especially being in a new country with a very different culture. Being able to build sound relationships with people is essential.

I relate to an Evangelist or even a Pastor. I want to encourage others and bring truth over the lies of the enemy. There are many pressures from today’s world which influence people negatively.

God has called me to shed light into the darkness. A scripture that the Lord brought to my mind a while ago. John 21:17 ‘The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”  The world and all its ways have fed God’s people with false doctrines and beliefs. Therefore, the Lord has burdened my heart to feed truth to the people. My restoration ministry purpose is to restore the identity of who people are in Jesus Christ.

Restoration Ministry Purpose Deepens

I have had a tough life from a young age with many insecurities and hurt. A life of brokenness and disaster with me trying to do things ‘my way.’ Therefore, my heart is to encourage the lost and broken that there is hope in this fallen world. I realized that I have a restoration ministry purpose, a responsibility to lead others to a life of restoration through Jesus Christ. He redeemed me and His will is to redeem others. I know there are a reason and a purpose and that I would be very effective in Women’s Ministry. My heart is to encourage other women just like myself to be overcomers.

I live in a very rural area and a community of farmers. There are very few resources available such as finances and fellow believers that share the same vision. I am completely trusting God to provide everything necessary to achieve the vision. The folk here are very set in their ways and religious in works. Therefore, I will need a lot of prayer support and intercession for God to soften the hearts and make them approachable.

Our local church believes in raising up people for ministry and releasing them into the field to plant churches and send out missionaries. This work is excellent as we are a multi-national church. There are loads of support and training available. Being new here, I am still just getting to know my fellow believers.

Training and Credibility

My Christian Leaders Institute study opportunity is significant to me. People need affirmation and need to be able to trust. They prefer listening to those that know what they are talking about to them. Having a degree or diploma reassures them to be able to trust someone with sound knowledge. CLI will help me to obtain this qualification that I would not have been able to afford otherwise. I thank God that He placed it on my heart to look for CLI on the web. I hope to become a vision partner once I am in a financial position to contribute to CLI, enabling others to be educated in ministry which they may not be able to afford otherwise so that they too can receive a sound credible education.

Learn about Ecuministry Ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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