Peruse Sally Countess’ testimony of escaping life on the dark side into God’s everlasting light of redemption and a restoration call:

Restoration Call

My name is Sally Countess and I have a restoration call on my life. I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado in the U.S.A. and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I am 22 years old and I have lived a very blessed by God life. He has held me close and protected me from so much harm in my rebellion. I was fortunate to have grown up in an amazing Christian family. I accepted Christ at a young age, but it was not until early 2018 that I began my daily walk with the Lord.

I spent a lot of time focused on my image. I also spent time with the wrong crowds getting involved with drugs and shoplifting. This escalated into robberies and assault. God saved my life this year in March when I was close to taking my own. My community was full of evil and negativity and I was taking it all in. I was a huge part of the negativity going on and did nothing to stop it. In March this year, I started going to church again on Sunday and living a double life every other day of the week. Days began running together and I was frustrated with where life was going. Part of me enjoyed my sin, and I needed rescuing from the darkness of depression and substance abuse. I was arrested for Aggravated Robbery on March 28th of this year and God found me right where I was. I began my daily walk with Him, and He poured His love over me and gave me a restoration call.

I recommitted my life to Christ on April 1st which was Easter Sunday. My daily walk with God was difficult at first, the Holy Spirit made me aware of many dependencies in my life that needed to go. It took a while to go through the list and practice life as a person who walks with Him daily. I spent three months in county jail.  During that time, my parents showed me the love of Christ every single day, and our relationship grew stronger each and every day. They saw a big change in me and chose to bond me out at the end of June. I am now living a life filled with God’s love and a restoration call. I still await punishment for my sins. But I rest in God’s peace knowing that He has forgiven me and gives me all that is good in life. I have been blessed with a second chance and I am choosing daily to walk in the light He provides for me. I am grateful for the work He has done and is doing in my life. I am committing to serve Him each and every day and lay it all at His feet.

I am grateful for the opportunity to gain a higher education at Christian Leaders Institute because I believe that God has plans to use me in the lives of others and the free training helps. I have a passion for people struggling with abuse and addiction, and I will strive to get the experience needed to help those who struggle with these things. The Lord has blessed me, and I pray His blessing over all those who are hurting. Thank you, CLI, for all you do in people’s lives! You are truly a blessing in every way!

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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