Online Bible School

Renewal of Christianity in South AfricaRenier

South Africa is a place of amazing contrasts. There is wealth. There is poverty. There are some who have a vital faith in Christ but most have a form of godliness with little power and a nonexistent walk with God. Renewal of true Christianity in South Africa is needed! Christian Leaders Institute is committed to training leaders to bring about life giving Christianity in South Africa.

Thousands of students have enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute in South Africa. Here is one student who is called to bring renewal of Christianity in South Africa.

My name is Renier Le Grange. I was born and bread in South Africa and still live in this beautiful country. We have great religious freedom here and therefore have ample opportunity to bring the Gospel to the masses.

I was brought up in a house where we had dead religion. I believed in God and knew that He was the creator of the heavens and the earth, but I never understood His grace and love.

During the world financial crisis of 2008/2009 when I saw people lose everything they had worked and lived for, I realized that everything you gather in this world can be lost in a second. So I started to look for more in life and began to search for material regarding God and Jesus Christ. I read a book by Choo Thomas, “Heaven is so real”, and that unexpectedly introduced Jesus to me in a very intimate and personal way. I realized then that God loved me and gave His Son so that I could be saved. I gave my life to Jesus in March of 2009.

In my Christian walk my constant passion has been to get people to understand that God is a God of love and not an angry deity that just wants to punish everyone. This brought a desire to get people to see who God really is so that they could experience His living power in their lives. My search brought me to a conference where I saw Jesus heal people and deliver them from captivity. I realized this was the great commission: Heal the sick, cast out demons and make disciples of the world. This is the way you show the living, loving God to people, through the power of His Spirit and the name of Jesus.

The dream my family and I have is to start a center where people can come to be equipped in their faith so that they can walk in the supernatural power of God and help deliver the lost from their ailments in the name of Jesus.

I believe the materials introduced by CLI will help us gain a deeper knowledge of the Word and with God’s help, we will be able to bring our dream to life.


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