Relationship with God: Laura Aarts of Netherlands
Relationship with God: Laura has a Relationship with God. She starts her story by giving some background for her life and how she got aRelationship with God.
“I live in the Netherlands, in a city called Breda. God has called me to be here to serve Him, and the wonderful people of Holland. Most of the people in Holland will tell you, they simply do not believe in one true God or that they could have Relationship with God. They are to busy in their lives to give Him much attention.”
Laura first got a Relationship with God in USA.
“As a Born again christian from Kansas city Kansas, U.S.A. I would like to share my testimony with you. Having a Relationship with God is very important. God has always had a purpose for each of us. God allowed me to be raised by my maternal grandmother. She was a God fearing Christian. While I was raised in the church, it was not until after I got married and had a family that I figured out how much I needed God in my life.”
A Relationship with God helped her through an abusive husband.
“My husband at the time was extremely abusive. Throughout my marriage to him, there were many a time that I can now look back on and see where only by the grace of God I am still here. I know that my Relationship with God protected me, saved me, healed me, and he continues to watch over me. I gave my heart, soul, and life to the Lord many years ago, when my life seemed to be at its darkest point. I will never turn away from Him, and I will give all I have to help others to get to know and love Him, as I do.”
Her dream is to help others have a Relationship with God.
“The church and foundation where I am a member and teacher is a very Spirit filled church. We are small in physical size, but mighty in our love of the Lord. Our mission is simple, to share Gods love with everyone that will listen, and to help people to develop a Relationship with God. My personal ministry dream is to open a Christian based shelter in Breda where victims of abuse can find shelter, protection, and God’s love and teachings. We need to show in our lives God’s love for others, if we want people to come to the Lord.”
CLI can equip her to help others have a Relationship with God.
“A scholarship at CLI gives people world wide an opportunity to learn God’s Word, and provides the necessary skills and education for people to develop a Relationship with God. In the short time I have been studying at CLI, I have come to see how this Institute can benefit many churches, their members, and non believers to grow to maturity in their walk with the Lord.”
Laura wants abuse victims to have a Relationship with God.
“CLI can help me to fulfill my dream of a Christian based shelter for abuse victims, and go far beyound that to reach the lives of everyone we come in contact with by teaching its students how to develop, sustain, and grow in their individual Relationship with God, as well as, within their families, their church, community, town, and the wrold as a whole.”
Prayer is absolutely needed for Laura as she moves forward with her dream of helping others have a Relationship with God.
“I ask that you will pray for CLI to receive the funds they need to continue to give to their students the high quality of education that they provide freely to their students. May you pray also that God continues to use me in Holland to reach the broken hearted people here for His glory. I know that through my education at CLI, I will grow in my Relationship with God as well as learn the valuable and key things I need to help others to come to and grow in the Lord.”
Laura ends by asking you to support CLI as it helps others have a Relationship with God.
“May the Good Lord show you today how and where you may be a vital donor to CLI. Perhaps it is in the way of finances, and perhaps it is in some other means. My prayer is that God will show you how you can help CLI and other institutes like it to continue to give freely to help others to come to and grow in their knowledge and Relationship with God.
May God bless you and keep you; Laura Aarts”
Laura has completed the Christian Basics Certificate. She continues to expand her Relationship with God thanks to generous donors of Christian Leaders Institute.