Relationship With Christ Needs To Be Practiced Daily In Life

Hello, my name is Cynthia Jacobs. I live in HopeMills, North Carolina, USA. I was blessed to be raised with church, however, please don’t mistake that for automatically having a relationship with Christ. Having knowledge of Christ and having a relationship with Christ is very different. I longed to have the relationship I saw others have at church, but I didn’t know how to get there. I thought the more I learned the closer I would become to being able to feel some sort of actual relationship with Christ. Don’t get me wrong, knowledge is a powerful tool but I was still feeling lonely and lost.

I came to know of the Lord at a very young age, but didn’t fully understand what a relationship with Christ was all about until my late 20’s. I turned down many wrong roads looking for what I thought I needed. After making many less than desirable decisions I began to feel guilty and ran. It’s amazing how you can be completely surrounded by people buy still feel very alone. Long story short, I was in the pit of loneliness and decided to look up to the Lord. When you are at rock bottom you are at the best place to look up and see the light of the Lord. I decided that I needed to take the knowledge I had learned so many years ago and apply it to my life. It was hard but it was the only thing that seemed to work. I had a lot of relationships to fix. One of the most important of which was the relationship with my children. I wanted them to know the Lord and his love and have their personal relationship with Christ.

I have now been back in the arms of Christ for about 7 years now. It is by far the greatest place to be. I love to help others that struggle with things like what I have been through. I want more than anything to help others during their suffering. To help them see feel and understand the meaning of a relationship with Christ and the Joy of the Lord that is my strength.

My Grandpa is who prompted me the most to do ministry. He always taught me the importance of helping others. My Grandfather was a missionary to Haiti. It brought him great joy to serve those people. I loved to see his happiness in doing this. I too want to experience this joy.

I identify most with evangelist. I want to help people see that they don’t have to give up! I believe God has given me the gift of encouraging others and I want to use that gift to the fullest. I want to work with young people. My local church encourages me in many ways. We help in our community as much as we can. My church is actually the one who told me about Christian Leaders Institute.

My ministry dream would be to travel to different places encouraging people not to give up. Telling them that there is nothing that can separate them from the Love of the Lord. I walked into a drug rehabilitation center recently and felt nothing but sorrow and darkness. It was full of people that didn’t know that Jesus would love them just as they were. I believe drug abuse is becoming an epidemic and while I do believe we need to spread the gospel all over the world we also need to spread it to those who may know it but feel like they don’t deserve it. I have seen over the last year a great need for the young people of America.

I have a wonderful family that consists of my husband, my greatest supporter, and my three children. We are all walking this out together and learning new ways to help others in their relationship with Christ. As I grow in the Lord I find that helping people makes me feel good. It makes me excited to lead people to the Lord. I want to continue to grow in that. I believe my family plays an important role in my ministry as they are a part of my testimony. They are a huge part of the encouraging story that God wants me to share.

I will go where God wants me to go. Challenges in my area would probably consist of ways to set the stage for people to hear the Word. A scholarship to CLI would help me because there really isn’t a big Christian school close to my home that is affordable. I want to be home with my 3 teenagers as I feel this is an important time for me to be home helping them become good adults and learning their relationship with Christ.

Please pray for God to soften hearts of people to hear his word. Pray upon hearing his word that they would feel an abundance of Love so they will keep coming back for more. Pray for God to open doors for His Word to be shared to those that need it in my area.


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