Referral Month 2024

Check out the prizes for the top referrers...

$250 Store Credit

$100 Store Credit

$50 Store Credit

$25 Store Credit

Plus, anyone who does at least 1 referral will automatically earn 5 dollars of store credit and be entered into a drawing for an additional $100 dollars of store credit. 

Why are referral so important?

Referrals are vital to CLI because they help grow our community and extend the reach of our mission to provide accessible, high-quality ministry training. By sharing CLI with others, you empower more people to pursue their calling and make a greater impact in their communities. Read some referral testimonies below!

“CLI is what lead my friend, Jamie Marks to start a Bible study group that I have been in since almost the start. We pray for each other and encourage each other and we even get to hear how Jamie is doing with his studies. CLI is a great opportunity for me to learn even more as I grow as a Christian so that I may help plant seeds with others that are lost like I was. What a great jumping off point. I have already been able to help others with their studies.”

“The last hard and emotional situation I went through, after clinging to God for dear life, an elder from an old church I used to go to got in touch with me randomly. I never told him my situation to get my mind off of it, we just talked about everything else. Finally, he suggested Christian Leaders Institute! So here I am, ready to learn and grow in the Lord!”

“My pastor told me about the Christian Leaders Institute with tuition-free online classes. To have my official Christian wedding officiant license, I can perform my daughter’s and family and friends’ weddings. I thank CLI for this amazing course and ministry training. The licensed Christian wedding officiant program is encouraging me to continue my journey of serving God.”