Hello! My name is Ashley Robbins. I am the mother of two beautiful little girls, Kaylee and Lilly. I recently married the love of my life, Justin, on July 26, 2016. Together we live in Pennsylvania (United States) with our dog Koopa. Justin and I are active in our church, where we serve on the creative arts and worship teams. I’m currently employed at a national medical insurance company where I hope to use the training I receive at CLI to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to my co-workers and clients as well as area youth.

My walk with Jesus Christ began as a child. I was fortunate enough to be born in a Christian home where I was exposed to Jesus’s teachings at an early age. Every Sunday was spent at church until I became a teenager and fell away. After over a decade of living in sin, including a scary world of premarital sex, drug use, alcoholism, sexual assault and a failed marriage, I came back to Christ. The decision was not easy, I felt guilty, ashamed and worthless for taking the path I chose to walk – but God’s grace washed away my sins, and he has made me new! I want to use the ministry training I receive at CLI to reach others walking the same path I did. Unfortunately, the path I chose is a road very frequently walked by American youth, now more than ever. I want to reach out to those who are struggling with Earthly pressures and provide them with an opportunity to know and follow Jesus, and to experience his goodness and the peace that comes from being intimately connected with a father who loves you unconditionally.

God’s grace has given me a new life and a new opportunity to fulfill His calling, but unfortunately there are still earthly consequences for the path I chose in my youth. Paying for traditional schooling was not an option for me due to the financial hardships I built for myself. A scholarship with CLI is providing me the education needed to confidently approach others with the Good News. I feel that we are living in a very dangerous world, and we must spread God’s word to as many people as possible because we are running out of time. Every day we have is a gift from God. And every day people lose their eternal lives because they either didn’t know Jesus or chose not to follow him. My dream is to impact a lost generation and bring the hope and peace of Jesus to everyone that will listen.

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