Ranch Ministry

There are many people who want to know God but maybe are at a disadvantage that leads them away from God. CLI graduate, Daniel, hopes to start many ministries including a ranch ministry that will help lead those in need to know God.

My name is Daniel. I am from the United States of America. I grew up in the United Methodist Church and at the age of 9, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.

My wife and I are launching Pirkle Ministries in order to help meet our community’s physical and spiritual needs. We plan on holding bible study, worship services, and soup kitchens as well as charitable events to gather and deliver the everyday necessities for those who cannot afford them.

Daniel’s dream for the future is to have a ranch ministry that will reach out to those that are in need of both money and God.

Our dream is to open a ranch ministry for the economically disadvantaged where they can live rent free in exchange for being a ranch hand. This would be open for individuals and families. The word I most identify myself with is servant. I do not feel I fit into the mold of Pastor or Evangelist or any traditional term. I want to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by sharing the Gospel and helping those in need.

Growing up in the Church, I knew I wanted to serve. I assist my Church by running the sound board as well as running the presentations, slideshows, announcements, etc. I also am a layperson taking training through the UMC as well, this is how they have supported our ministry. We live in the Appalachian region in southeast Kentucky. In our region we are very economically disadvantaged, many have unfortunately fallen under the addiction of drugs (we have a bad meth epidemic). I would love to see the people in our region free of drugs and back to the foundation that matters, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Training at CLI is very important for Daniel’s ministry and future ranch ministry, so that Daniel can have knowledge that is effective in leading others to Christ.

The scholarship at CLI is important to our ministry because without it we would not be able to receive the training we need in order to be effective and reach others for Christ. Please pray that we receive financial support, the partnerships and relationships that we need to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our community. Thank you CLI!

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