My name is Quama Hamilton, and I live on one of the small Caribbean island known as Trinidad. I have one brother and live with both my parents. My husband does telecommunications, we have been married for six years and share the same home with my parents. I am a full-time junior Pastor and Missionary at my local church.

My country has a broad range of religious, ethnic and cultural groups making it a challenge at times to get the gospel out. Individuals of these various groups are mostly engulfed in their preconceived thoughts and ideas of who God is rather than coming to the knowledge of the word of God. However, despite these challenges, my parents were eager to grow closer in their relationship and walk with God. As a result, they led me to my faith in Christ.

My faith in Christ started at the tender age of three, as my mother enrolled my brother and me in Sunday school at our local church. From then on my hunger to know Jesus and to worship him grew more and more leading me to be baptized at the age of twelve. Due to the pressures of being a teen, I lost my virginity at fifteen, and that lured me more and more in the desire to commit sexual sins. At that time, I left the church I where I got baptized. Friends of mine invited me to fellowship at their church. It was bigger in size and congregation but quite intriguing, as the worship appealed to my love for it. I continued to attend and was convicted of the sinful life I was living. This conviction caused a paradigm shift to take place. I rededicated my life to Jesus at the age of seventeen, and I have not looked back since.

My ministry dream is to be a missionary for Jesus. I desire to take the gospel of Jesus to the nations of the earth and to fulfill the command of Jesus as it is stated in the book of Matthew 28:19-20. It says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world.”

I see myself as a church planter as the role of the missionary has similarities to such. The call of God in my life became clearer while working for a telecommunications company. The Lord spoke to me instructing that I should leave my job and go into full-time ministry. I was twenty-two years old at that time. As a result, a lot of questions were raised by close family members and friends to persuade me from the decision I made to leave my job. But such didn’t deter me as I was convinced that it was a clear direction from God in walking in his plan for my life. Shortly after leaving my job, I dreamt of traveling to the nations of the earth. When I awoke, I heard an audible voice say to me, “You are a missionary, and you will go to the nations.” A few months after, I got the opportunity to go on my first mission trip to the Dominican Republic. What a life changing experience it was! I returned home and preached my first sermon at my church.

Some unique challenges that I face on a day-to-day basis where I reside are that most of the people are more focused on material and academic accomplishments rather than fulfilling God’s plan for their lives.
Another challenge is, as a result of our communities being multifaceted in religious beliefs, individuals have their unique understanding of who God is.

The church that I currently attend has had an immense impact on me becoming more of the missionary God has called me to be. The church has offered me opportunities to grow spiritually by the means of leadership training seminars, conferences, and Bible study sessions. It has also contributed financially to my mission trips. I received on-hand training in handling church matters as a result of me being a junior Pastor, and it allowed me to be part of the church board. Thereby enhancing my ability to exercise skills in decision making and church planting.

My husband and I share similar ministry dreams, so he fully supports me. Being a full-time minister, I have limited time to attend an on-campus Bible college. So the fact that CLI is an online Bible college makes it possible for me to have a good quality and solid Bible education. Also, this scholarship will be a vital asset considering my responsibilities, functions and roles I play at my local church. I have gained more knowledge of the work, my ability to preach the word enhanced due to the knowledge gained. My skills to mentor others also have improved which has been a great asset to the role I currently have as junior Pastor.

In fulfilling the call of the missionary, I can accurately and effectively deliver the word of God to a lost and dying world with boldness and confidence. A scholarship at CLI will also increase my desire to study the word more, rightly dividing it as a workman so that I should not be put to shame in delivering it.

My prayer is that I will continue to preach the Word of God without compromising. That I will not only be a hearer of the word and a preacher of the word but a doer of the word. So that I will not allow men to deter and deceive me from the knowledge of God’s word. Also that my relationship and walk with Him increases daily.

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