Quality Ministry Education

Quality Ministry Education

My name is Roger Sigmon and I am receiving a quality ministry education at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in the beautiful state of Tennessee in the United States. I grew up in a home where my parents took me to church. Although raised in church, I never knew a relationship with Jesus could exist. I only knew Jesus was the way to Heaven, which I thought meant you took a class and you were then sprinkled before the church congregation. Shortly before my 13th birthday, my family decided to find a new church to attend. The one we began to attend taught about this relationship with Jesus and how to gain it. I had also noticed my new friends at this church were living a different lifestyle than my other friends and I. So, I wanted to know why and find out how to get what they had. Their witness of living out what they believed helped to lead me to Christ.

After Jesus took control of my life, I began my spiritual journey. At first, I could not get enough of learning about Him. This tapered off a little as I entered High School and College, yet I never strayed too far away. I knew from the time Jesus became Lord of my life that I was being called to share His message. I volunteered at my church, served on short-term mission trips, taught many classes, became a Deacon, and many years later a licensed pastor. I still felt the void of not having a quality Christian education. I was being called into full-time ministry, yet knew this would be very difficult without the education to back up the experience. Thanks to Christian Leaders Institute and their wonderful staff, I am working on a Divinity Degree. I could never have done this without the generous donors that make this possible.

I am now more qualified and credible to pursue the vision God has laid upon my heart. I am currently assembling a team to launch a unique church plant with the goal of ministering to those that slip through the cracks of most traditional churches. As Christ-followers, we must be willing to leave our comfort zones and engage those we normally would not. So much of Jesus’ ministry occurred as He was on the way to somewhere, not just sitting on a pew waiting for people to approach Him. Ministry happened as He and His disciples were doing ordinary things in their daily lives. Opportunities to minister are all around us if we will only stop to see them.
I just want to say thank you once again to each and every donor and vision partner that has helped me to pursue and achieve my spiritual dream through receiving a quality ministry education.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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