Born in Zimbabwe This Man Follows Dreams to Pursue Ministry Training and Becoming a Pastor. He wants to teach the Bible and teach Faith in Christ to college level, high school and younger students. Many areas of South Africa experience living and life conditions that leave some residents without access to formal education or Christian ministry training. Christian Leaders Institute is donation supported. This allows us to offer quality online ministry training free across the globe.


We would like to introduce Patience Nziradzemhuka a Christian Leaders Institute student. The following is his story and what brought him to pursue ministry training. We pray this and the many other student stories bless you and inspire you to also seek training or simply want to learn more about Jesus.

My name is Patience Nziradzemhuka and I’m 24 years of age. I was born in 1990, in a town in Zimbabwe. Today I currently reside in South Africa. I migrated to my present area in 2012 while I was in search of greener pastures. I thank God my ministry dream was rekindled when I first stepped into this area. I felt a need to pursue ministry training but was not sure how.

My father died in the year 2000 and we were left with our mom to look after me and my brothers. At some point after my father’s death we were forced to migrate to rural areas here in South Africa. When I was in high school a group of youth preachers came to our area preaching about repentance. I was so touched by what they taught. I wasn’t pleased with the way I was living and with them I gave my life to Jesus. That was in 2008 and it was a great day in my life. After that time I decided to attend a local Methodist denomination church. In 2010 I moved to an urban area nearby and started going to ‘Apostolic Faith Mission’ which was a Pentecostal church.

My dream is to pursue ministry training so we can raise up a youth that fear God and walk according to the love that was shared on the cross. It came to me that if no one had preached to me when I was in high school what could have happened to me? Now I would like to go back to my home area and engage in a schools ministry. I would be preaching and teaching to youth in colleges and high schools about knowing God when you are still young.

The day I gave my life to Jesus in 2008 completely changed my life. I had focus knowing that there was eternal life to come. Thank God for Christian Leaders Institute. I came to know that eternal life starts the day you give your life to Christ. That experience alone and seeing my old friends and colleagues still living in sin, unsaved, has prompted me to pursue ministry training. With Christian Leaders Institute I can pursue Ministry training free and safe online.

A unique challenge I have faced here in South Africa is if you try to enroll with a local Bible school the first priority is students from their own denominations. Another issue is we have different races and the majority of locals don’t understand English. This is especially true in the very rural areas.

My local church has been of positive impact in my ministry training. With the help of my pastor and mentor, Pastor Nelson Vutabwashe, I have had opportunities to grow. I have been given an opportunity to run a campaign with the youth and sometimes I get to preach at a church service.

My family has played a major role in my calling to pursue ministry training. Thanks to my mother who has been a pillar of strength. She encouraged me in times when I was losing hope. My mother told me that with God all things are possible. We study the Bible together as a family and pray. This has contributed positively in my calling.

At this point in time I really thank God for Christian Leaders Institute because it stands with donations we contribute. I am the one who is now responsible for the family which my father left. My finances are squeezed and I cannot afford a paid institution for my dreams to come true. I really appreciate the miracle of being awarded a scholarship at CLI. Without it I could not pursue ministry training during this time of my life.

Please pray for me that I may have depth in the knowledge in the Bible and that I mature very quickly so I may be able to lead others to Christ.

As you can see free online ministry training offered through Christian Leaders Institute is useful to many across the world. As Patience grows in his walk he looks forward to teaching younger people about Jesus so they might have the tools to help them early in their lives.

You can take advantage of this unique opportunity to pursue ministry training free by Starting Here!

You may also donate to this Institution and help others who can’t afford paying a tuition by Clicking Here.

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