Donna Hosea Liles, Texas, USA Enjoys Proper Ministry Training

I was born in 1965 in the state of Texas in a town where Christian Ministry is welcomed by a large majority; however there are those who oppose it and try to discourage it. There have been so many changes here since my childhood. Now my grandchildren don’t get prayer in classrooms in the morning or at any school event. There is no more speaking with God’s blessings openly in businesses. However, the majority of us Christians here still bless one another and Praise God in public.

My Grandmother, Nadyne, led me to my Faith. I remember as a very young child, with three brothers, Grandma would take me to the First Baptist Church in our hometown. I would get to go every time I stayed with her. Vacation Bible School was also a yearly thing when it came to Grandma’s wishes. I was with the Youth Ministry when I was in High School and would often minister for my classmates. I so loved to worship the Lord and share His Word. Faith carried me through many things growing up. From a dysfunctional home to going through my parents’ divorce when I was thirteen. I and my siblings were separated in that divorce; the two oldest with dad and the two youngest with mom. Visits were uncomfortable when we got together on weekends and both parents were not living right. They did not set good examples at this time of our lives.

As an adult I had three daughters and took them to Church often to build their Faith with the Lord. Jesus is the one they could hold on to through the tough times and the easy times of life’s challenges. He has always been my rock and He needed to be theirs. Without Him I could not have made it to be a mother. My spirit had been broken many times. By the time I was 28 I had my third child and counselors were telling me I had already experienced and lived the life of a 46 year old woman. I sometimes wonder how old those counselors would classify me to seem now. I am a survivor of rape, child molestation, many forms of abuse and even the loss of my youngest child; four days before her 11th birthday. She passed away after battling a rare form of cancer over an 11 month span. Nikole was not afraid to die because she knew her Lord and Savior and where she was going. I Praise God for helping me and guiding me to share His love with my children. Our Faith did give me comfort that she knew Jesus and wasn’t afraid. (2 Corinthians 12:9 – …But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.)

I have asked the Lord to use me as an instrument for his work. I want to share His love with others; his mercy, his forgiveness, his promises. I know now that I had to go through many trials to strengthen me. Satan cannot block my Faith anymore or discourage me. My Lord has strengthened me and with him I can do all things. (Philippians 4:12,13 – 12I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.)

I believe Christian Leaders Institute can help me go farther and make it possible for God to use me as an instrument in many more areas. With proper training and better knowledge through the wisdom of his word I can be more effective in my walk and in my community.


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