Pastor Michael D
Texas, United States of America

This is my testimony. I am a Pro Wrestler turned Pastor through the grace of God.

When I was a young boy I had a very close and personal relationship with God. I watched God do some powerful and miraculous things in my prayer life. I knew at the age of eight years old that I was called to the ministry. As I grew older though I grew farther away from the faith.

I was a Pro Wrestler for eight years of my life. The wrestling circuit turned my marriage and my family upside down. I walked away from my faith at the age of 15 after the bitter divorce of my mother and father only to find that history was repeating itself in my own marriage. At the age of thirty, I decided to walk away from the wrestling career and put my life, my marriage, as well as my past and my future in the hands of God. I rededicated my Life to Christ and His service and I am now a licensed Pastor at a Church In Texas. Since that day, my marriage, my family, and my personal hurts have all been healed and restored.

I love to learn and I love to serve. CLI is a blessing for me to continue grow personally as well as in my education. My desire is to be all that my Savior has called me to be, either in my home or church, I want to give the Lord glory in all I do. CLI is helping me achieve that.

God Bless

Pastor Michael

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