Present the Gospel Through Ministry Training - Abu's Story

Abu Umoru has a deep desire to Present the Gospel through Ministry Training, and enrolled at Chrisitan Leaders Institute for all of the free ministry courses that will help him do so accurately and effectively! Here is his story..

Present the Gospel Through Ministry Training – Abu’s Story

My name is Abu Once Simon Umoru. I was born in 1976 as a Nigerian, brought up in the Northern part of the country, in the Army barracks where my father was serving the Nigerian Army. I grew up in a home with eight children. During my secondary School days, I developed a desire to serve God even as a Catholic, I use to fellowship with other denomination outside our church. As we share the gospel together with the brethren from other denomination, I discovered that there is a vacuum in me that needed to be filled. My life was changed completely in 1994 when I surrendered to Christ and decided to make Him my personal Lord and Savior.
I completed my higher national diploma in management from the Benue State Polytechnic by 2006, after my father’s retirement from active service. Am married to Mary, a caring wife since 2010 and the Lord has blessed our union with two boys. Presently we live in Otsuka, Benue State Nigeria. We fellowship with a church called “The Established Pentecostal Church of Christ.”
In Benue state, we Have lots of Churches. As the middle belt of the country, doing ministry here requires patience and commitment. This end time you see many people attending and bearing denominational names without bearing the fruits of genuine repentance. In my place, people belong to one church or the other though crime and lawlessness are on the increase. About 40% of the people living in my locality are literate while most of the illiterate ones live in rural areas, since they can not read and write, it makes a rural work more tedious since one will need to adopt the people by using there language to present the gospel to them.
CLI has been a blessing to me; I have obtained a diploma of ministry through there support. I will ever live to appreciate the impact of some of the professors, especially my mentor professor Henry Reyenga Jr. There good tutelage has been of tremendous blessing. My learning experience with CLI has been inspiring. Initially, I intended to take only the getting started class. I discovered more of the grace of God shed on my ministerial callings as I delve into Further studies with CLI. My life and ministry are been greatly transformed by some of these courses like the: Church History, sermon construction and presentation, Church Planting, People Smart for ministry, Christian Ethics, Exegesis, among others. My passion for the presentation of the Gospel has been raised to a level that nothing matters to me like the Gospel. Am now well equipped to present the Gospel at every slight opportunity, care for the members of the fold in my way as the spirit directs.
At ordination, I believe the grace of God will help me to harness all my potentials to fulfill my ministry goals. I have a passion for youth evangelism, rural outreaches, Missions and Church administration. Currently, my wife and I are assisting in the work of the gospel in a branch of our church in Otsuka a village in Benue State. As a bi-vocational minister, I feel the ordination will launch me into a full commitment to the work as an associate pastor in our church and my wife will be assisting in the musical department.
My ordination will brighten up the future of my calling; I feel the urgent need to present the undiluted word of God to the people of my generation. Like brother Jude said in Jude 3 that we should earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.
I identify with the word Pastor because it is my earnest desire to know people, preach to and teach them the principles of the kingdom that will help them to grow into the fullness of Christ.
Our local Church has been very supportive. The state overseer have been backing us with prayers and giving other necessary guidance during my studies. The church also requested that we share our visions with the senior pastors so that they can pray along with us and serve as mentors to aid effectiveness in our area of calling. I have been requested to forward my certificate to serve the Church after my training and ordination as a pastor.
Please pray that God will release His grace on me abundantly so that, I will be effective in the ministry. That the entire future ministry goal God lay in my heart will find expression as I live to fulfill His mandate alone.


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