I am Glory Adeola from Nigeria. I am married with children. I am the senior pastor of Living Manna Ministries Int’l and by His grace I am a Christian writer and author.

I was born to a polygamous Muslim family in 1974. I grew up as a devoted Muslim until 1991 when I had encounter with Jesus through a night vision of revelation of rapture, seven plagues and second coming of Jesus. I was dazed and confused when I woke up because it was so real and that revelation made null everything I was taught about Jesus in the mosque. In those days I was a follower of Hammed Deedat, a Muslim scholar in South Africa who wrote many books to negate Christianity and Jesus as the Son of God.

It was in this night vision He called me to His work. I can still see face, His smile and His outstretched hands to me and the angels that surrounded Him in the sky. I gave my life to Christ and since then I have been following with all my heart amidst persecutions, trials and temptations that came my way as a convert from Islam to Christianity. I am glad that I am working in His vineyard and fulfilling His plan for my life.

I know that Jesus is real, rapture is real, judgment day is real and second coming of Jesus is real because I saw all these that night. I will never forget the declaration of the seven angels that appeared to punish the whole world. They said because you have rejected Jesus Christ as your Saviour, behold, God’s judgment upon you.

This is the major reason that I am in ministry. I mean to help as many people as possible to escape what I have seen and to raise men and women in thousands and millions to do the same with passion. For this reason I need the training to get more knowledge and fire in my bone to reach the unreached and to train men and women that will do the same with love and compassion of Christ.

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