Philippines Ministry Training

Philippines Ministry Training Online and Available

Philippines Ministry Training of high calibre is not available for most people in this nation. Christian Leaders Institute offers this Philippines Ministry Training free of charge. This story of Philippines Ministry TrainingBenson M. Chaves is inspiring.

I’m Benson M. Chavez from Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines where Christian beliefs where brought by Spaniards during 1500’s but eventually Evangelical movement was also introduced before the 19th century during the American occupation in the Philippines thru the Methodist / Protestant group.

I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ October of 1992 during a Evangelical Crusade in Manila. But before that, I was born in a Christian family, my Father was a Pastor (deceased), my sibling are also into the ministry. Even thought I grew up most of my life inside the church and all the activities, it doesn’t guarantee me for my salvation. But I knew seed of faith in the Lord was already planted in my heart since my younger years and eventually came to bloom and accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior and Lord when I was in my early part of my College days.

I’ve been into Pastoral Ministry for almost 13 years and by God’s grace has planted 1 main church and 2 daughter mission Churches together with my wife and kids. They are my first in-line supporters ever since and thank the Lord for that. They are presently serving in the church I’m handling. I’m happy doing mission and evangelism because that is the calling I got from God and dreaming of many more souls for Christ and more Churches in God’s timing and direction. But I don’t have any Bible School experience, except for numerous trainings and seminars put on by mission organizations. I’ve attended and the teachings in the church since I was a kid.

I can feel in my heart right now that I’m called by the Lord for Rural Evangelism. Other Pastors might be concentrating in Urban Evangelism because that is their calling. It’s nice to move in a way God has called you and happy of what you are doing. I’m handling Nutrition programs in different schools and Baranggays in Batangas for their physical nourishment and many people have already accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior thru this Holistic program.

I’m not supported by my local church in my schooling, I also have a secular job right now and it is indeed a blessing for me to be part of bringing missions to other areas thru that. I’m happy and praying that CLI will help me to learn and educate me thru this Online Bible College. I know my calling as a Pastor and I want to fulfill it to become an Ordained minister in the future needing to accomplished 92 Bible school credit units to have an Ordination examination in our denomination and eventually passed the test. God bless CLI for your heart and calling to train many for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

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