Pennsylvania Bible Student Finds Purpose Through Free Ministry Training at Christian Leaders Institute
If you’re looking for a Pennsylvania Bible training program that’s affordable, flexible, and deeply rooted in the Word of God, look no further than Christian Leaders Institute (CLI). CLI is a unique, donation-supported ministry training school that offers free online Bible courses and low-cost ministry credentials and degrees to students all over the world.
Whether you’re called to volunteer ministry, pastoral leadership, chaplaincy, or simply want to grow in your faith, CLI makes high-quality Christian education accessible to anyone—without the burden of student debt. Thanks to the support of generous donors, churches, and alumni, students can access hundreds of classes, covering topics like:
Biblical studies
Life coaching
Leadership and discipleship
Ministry skills
Christian philosophy and theology
Marriage, youth, and women’s ministry
And much more
While the courses are completely free, CLI does charge small administrative fees for official credentials and degree programs to help cover costs. For example, in the United States, a full bachelor’s degree in Divinity is just $4,000 total. Printed diplomas and ministry credentials are also available at low costs, making CLI one of the most affordable Christian training programs in the world.
Christian Leaders Institute is more than a school—it’s a community. Students come from many walks of life, each with a unique story of how God called them into deeper ministry. One of those inspiring stories comes from Rebekah Abbott, a Pennsylvania Bible student from southwestern Pennsylvania, who found CLI while searching for a life coach certification. Her powerful testimony of struggle, faith, and calling is a true example of how CLI is equipping everyday Christians to serve God with boldness and clarity.
Pennsylvania Bible Training Testimony
My name is Rebekah Abbott. I reside in southwestern Pennsylvania, in the eastern USA, with my wonderful husband and my beautiful son. While searching for a life coach certification, the Lord led me to Christian Leaders Institute, which I immediately felt called to join. I found the freedom and flexibility that CLI offers its students to be the perfect platform for success and accountability.
While I have walked with God my whole life, I feel my journey to answer His call is just now beginning. I believe it is His will for me to encourage others to live spiritually healthy and balanced lives as they seek to fulfill His purpose for themselves. I pray that as you read my story, you see His perfect work in it—and that all the glory is His.
I was raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. While I had a loving family, I never felt like I was truly part of things. The world was foreign and confusing, and I lacked a sense of belonging. It was a good life, but one full of many trials. I could always feel God’s Spirit in me. As a child, I didn’t know Him as someone outside of or separate from myself. In my perfect innocence, His presence was part of my own.
“But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” (1 Corinthians 6:17)
When I was five years old, the Lord made Himself known and spoke to me. While on the front path to my home, the clouds above me appeared to part and time seemed to stand still. A great light shone on me, and I heard Him command: “You will do My work.” Clear and unconditional, there was no room to question. I could only acknowledge the unshakable truth. This was the most loving and perfect moment of my existence.
I was not raised in a devout Christian household, but I had a wonderful grandmother who would take me to church from time to time. I can still recall the anticipation I felt to be in such a holy place. But I soon became disheartened when, time and time again, I did not feel my Father there. The joy I expected to fill the sanctuary never came. My questions about the church were met with rebuke, and I was often overlooked and disregarded.
Confusion turned to heartbreak when I was told I would never be qualified to be a minister for the Lord. I’m ashamed to say I believed this. I should have turned only to God to know the truth. Instead, I turned away from the church.
By age 10, the many traumas of my childhood had caught up with my mind. I was unable to cope or function and was desperate for some semblance of control. In an attempt to crush my faith, the devil sent an evil spirit to torment me. For many years, my days were full of darkness and my nights full of terror. Believing I was helpless, I faded away until I was completely lost.
“But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
But I praise God! Losing one’s mind is not the same as losing one’s soul. Our Father granted me a deep well of faith, and so I prayed. And I prayed. I knew in my heart that He would not abandon me. I knew that, though the darkness of this world might take me, He would never allow me to be stolen from His hand. By His goodness, I survived—and after many years, I found healing.
As I grew, so did my relationship with the world. I fell in love and married. I went to college, but my passion for the Lord was not met there. I established a career, but again, I failed to find my purpose. I was discouraged, but He kept me hopeful.
I explored any path outside of Christianity that I thought might lead to a deeper connection with God or empower the Spirit within me. Though I gained much knowledge and insight, He always showed me that I would not find true meaning in the teachings of this world. I lived this way for many years—seeking, yet never attaining fulfillment.
“I observed everything going on under the sun, and really, it is all meaningless—like chasing the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 1:14)
As my relationship with God continued to deepen, so did my prayer life. Prayer is truly revolutionary when done authentically. Hearing God answer through prayer is a joyful epiphany—it is like the dawn. My prayers evolved from seeking my own highest good to seeking clarity. From clarity came the fire to make His will my own.
“And so, I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9)
During the spring of 2024, in deep and honest prayer, I confessed to Him that I was ready to move beyond myself. I asked the Lord how I could serve Him in fellowship. I received many signs in the weeks to come—and every single one of them pointed me back to church.
While I was doubtful, I was finally—after many years—ready to stop only hearing God and start listening.
The final sign came when a friend, whom I hadn’t spoken to in several months, sent me an unexpected message one evening inviting me to attend church with her the following day. And like a dawning in my soul, I accepted my Father’s call. That following November, that very same friend joyfully baptized me in Christ!
I am fulfilled.
As limited beings, we often mistake our search for wisdom and hidden knowledge for God’s will—and I was no exception. Rather than being concerned with gaining, what if instead we devoted ourselves to servitude? In doing this, all that we need is revealed.
Because while many paths may lead us to the feet of our Father, there is only one that leads to redemption. There is only one He calls righteous. There is only one that sanctifies our souls. This is the path our Christ Jesus has called us to.
The Lord has called me blessed. I am humbled to know He has never left me and so grateful that He relentlessly sought me. While His ultimate purpose for me is still being revealed, I have faith in knowing I am exactly where He calls me to be. I am a servant leader, and a sacred warrior in His holy kingdom.
“All glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20–21)
I am excited about my Pennsylvania Bible Training journey.
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