Pastoring To Prisoners - Allen's Story

Allen Biddix’s ministry calling is in evangelism and pastoring, and after serving a sentence in prison himself, he felt called to start Pastoring To Prisoners. He enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to fulfill his calling, and begin his ministry journey! Here is his story…

Pastoring To Prisoners – Allen’s Story

My name is Allen Biddix, and I currently live in South Carolina (USA). I first hear of the Lord while at the fair in 1998. A minister walked me through the sinner’s prayer, but at the age of 10 I didn’t understand what it meant. It wasn’t until I was 13 that I started attending church. During those days, I was mainly going to church to socialize with people my age. I was baptized Easter 2002 at the age of 14. At the age of 15, I was sent to a group home where I spent the next two and a half years of my life. While staying in the group home I began to have a feeling that I was being called by the Lord, so I began to study the Bible.

When I was 18, I was sent to prison due to my idiotic choices. While in prison the Lord showed me my calling. So I began to study more and this time the Lord began to open doors for me to minister to other prisoners. I spent sixteen and a half months locked up before I was released on probation for three years. Not long after my release I was locked up for two and a half years due to a violation of probation. This was when the Lord revealed the ministry He has called me to.

I mostly identify myself as both an evangelist and a pastor. I say, and evangelist because, in my younger years, I am called to minister to anyone or any church who wants to hear the Truth from God’s Word. Also, most of my ministry work will consist of prison, group homes, nursing homes, and orphanages outreach programs. I say a pastor because, in my older years, I feel called to settle down and shepherd a local church.

My ministry dream is to show the world that God loves them through simple gestures of kindness and to help them grow closer to God through His Word. I want to be a pillar for the Lord, speaking His Truth boldly even if it means I will be hated by the world. My pastor is my mentor, and he has been giving me opportunities to exercise the gift that the Lord has given me. My church has given me a position as an Adult Sunday School teacher. As for my family, my mom is a big supporter to my calling from the Lord.

It would be a great opportunity to have a scholarship at CLI because it will allow me to get some formal training and my ordination. I can’t afford to go to college because my past criminal troubles make it hard for me to get a decent job. What little bit of money I do make goes to paying my bills and I can’t afford to take on another bill that I know I wouldn’t be able to pay.

Please pray that the Lord will continue to enlighten me in His Word and that I will continue to speak boldly for the Lord as I strive to be a light unto this dying world.

Thanks for hearing my story.

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