Pastoral Team

Pastor Team

My name is Tashara and I live in the United States. My husband and I sense the calling to become a pastoral team in ministry. I joke with others and tell them that I was born saved. While this is impossible of course, I use this expression to communicate that I will never understand what it feels like to wonder if God is real. Though I’ve never doubted God’s existence, that doesn’t mean that I’ve never doubted Him.

There was a prolonged time in my life when I submitted myself to the temptations so readily available here in the U.S. It created a warm hole of depression for me and I began battling oppressive spiritual forces. Although I’ve served God intermittently throughout my whole life, it was through a series of trials and struggle in my life, repetitive tests, that the Lord brought my heart to know Him fully and relationally.

Psalms 37:4 says, “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” The challenges that He has strengthened me to overcome in my life are a part the hunger that drives my desire to minister. God has been faithful and merciful to me; He has brought me out of darkness and made me a light. I’ve been told that those who have been hurt the deepest have the greatest capacity to heal. My prayer is that through the weaknesses and struggles I’ve overcome through Christ, that He would utilize healing from my story to bless, transform and save the lives of others.

My heart aches for women who feel broken, who have been abused, struggle with their vision of self-value, or are stuck in destructive cycles such as addiction. I know what it feels like to be a broken woman. I’ve also personally witnessed the power of God break chains and bring complete transformation. It’s because of these experiences that I feel called to witness in those specific areas of ministry. I am one of many living examples that God can do anything with a willing heart.

Becoming a Pastoral Team

My husband and I dream of learning and growing into one day operating as a Pastoral Team in ministry We’ve both been Christians for years, but it’s in this season of revival that God has awoken our hearts to ministry. He brought the opportunity of CLI where we could gain a solid foundation in understanding our faith fully and why we believe in it. Before having access to quality ministry training we were reliant on the views, opinions and understandings of our family and elders. There are many people in America who believe that God is real, but also many people who are dead spiritually.

The united states is full of opportunities and blessings that have become common and the sole focus of life’s purpose unfortunately. This brings about a cynical perspective towards those in ministry because they have different priorities. Although we have freedom of religion here, there is an abundant need for God. Many people are not open to considering walking more intimately with God because they’ve grown comfortable where they are already. Without being informed my own young mind has been vulnerable to be guided and manipulated into ideas that do not reflect the faith I believe in.

My studies at CLI have become a source of empowerment for me. I can participate in theological and philosophical conversations now without being dissuaded from being uninformed. As a Pastor Team in ministry, we can clearly see truth and identify what is not of the spirit. we understand the difference status and actually walking with God as  an evangelist to fight for the Lord in the spiritual warfare we face.

I’m thankful to have a home church that understands this difference as well. Both my husband and I have been blessed to learn and grow in the leadership classes we’ve taken in our church even though the material is not as advanced as targeted ministry training is. As we continue to mature spiritually we know that our faith, understanding, and ministry dreams will be encouraged and supported there.

Of all the blessings God has given me and surrounded me with to help nurture and prepare my heart for ministry, none are greater than my husband. His love and faith in me truly reflect Jesus’ love for me. While we both look forward to continued growth in our walk with the Lord, I find such peace in knowing that God established such a strong spiritual leader to be my partner and my covering in this life. My most cherished memory in our marriage will probably always be that my husband’s first step in pursuing his ministry was baptizing me. We know that as we submit ourselves to the Lord and obey Him, that He will equip and direct our ministry together as a pastoral team in ministry. As we actively take steps forward to become prepared to grow into the role of pastors together, we pray for wisdom, discernment and protection spiritually to fulfill the Lord’s will for our lives.

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