pastoral ministry training

Receive Pastoral Ministry Training To Impact The World

It doesn’t take research to analyze the world in where it stands today with God. It’s quite easy to see how we are living in a fallen world. Because of our God-given free will, we have a choice. Some will be satisfied just trying to get themselves right in the eyes of the Lord, but others will want to reach out and try to win them over to Christ. The need for this has always been there, but this couldn’t be a better time in the world we live in today.

Can Pastoral Ministry Training Really Be Free?

With Christian Leaders Institute, we provide our pastoral ministry training absolutely free to every student who wishes to enroll. This is done by gracious donors who donate to our cause. Not everybody can afford seminary colleges. Nor do they have ways to relocate many miles from home to attend a seminary college. Which makes CLI a blessing for many since our classes are also done online!  Students can also donate any amount of money they wish to, however this is not a requirement to receive pastoral ministry training through Christian Leaders Institute.

Here is one of our many students taking full use of our pastoral ministry training. Truly an amazing story and CLI is blessed to teach Edward so he can achieve his ministry dreams!

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My name is Elder Edward L. Smith of the United States and I hale from Emmanuel Way of the Cross Church in Virginia Beach, Va. where the honorable Bishop Fred E. Hill is my pastor. I came to know The Lord at the age of twelve years old, at a revival service lead by now Bishop Jean Castel of Living Word in the Tabernacle. I began my journey as a minister in February of 2000 and have gone through many trials since. It is truly by the grace of the Lord that I am where I am today.

I have been blessed to do ministry all over the world and if there ever was a time that we needed the Lord, it is now. The adversary is busy not only in the world but also in the church. For as many believers that are being drawn to the church there are just as many running from it. This Spirit has been fueled with a strong hopelessness that is broadcast across our televisions everyday.

It is with these truths in mind that I am sharing my ministerial dream of leading a revolutionary revival for fallen believers and non believers. I believe that the time has come for the sleepers to awake and take back, reclaim, and revitalize through the Spirit of God that which has been stolen from us. The Lord has laid it upon my heart to birth a ministry without walls whose impact will be felt long after the initial starters are gone home. He has opened my eyes and filled my heart with openness & understanding for young couples, men and women, who have been disillusioned by the current day representation Church of the living God as well as false teachings propagated by society, but yet they still have a hope and desire to do the will of the Lord (ex. Feeding and clothing the homeless, helping battered women and providing a safe place for teenagers) and to learn His will for their Lives.

As a young man of faith, living in this time of the great falling away, in the middle of modern day Babylon, the Lord has given me unction to create a house of refuge for young brothers and sisters who have been lost by the way side. To provide an environment that is conducive to the spiritual development and maturity of young believers, a place of freedom, from self-righteous judgment and spiritual hardiness. Most of all a place they can call “Home”.

The word Pastor applies more to the call and mandate on my life. The inward yearning for shepherding the lost, broken, and confused is great upon me. My heart pours out to these brothers and sisters because I was once one of them. I have been the sinner getting saved for the first time, the backslider drawn out by temptation, the leader judging those who fell, the leader being judged because I fell, the scorner of the visionary, and the visionary being scorned for trusting the vision God has given unto me. God has blessed me through my trials to develop a sensitivity to the process of redemption and restoration through revitalizing power of Gods love. I am a living witness!

To do ministry in my area is difficult because the over saturation of churches and the birthing of mega churches . I believe in proper alignments, but when denomination seems more like spiritual gangs and reasons not to come together it can be very discouraging. Leaders blocking and stopping the growth of other leaders without thinking through the complete spiritual ramifications of their fleshly doings. Racial segregation on Sundays is so high that to worship with someone of another ethnic background seems strange. We need the help of the Lord Jesus.

My Pastor and church are fully supporting my pursuit into pastoral ministry training. My wife and children will be joining me on this journey. We are blessing God for the corporate call and mandate on our household. We are prayerfully moving forward every day. We bless God for Christian Leaders Institute for opening its doors and providing high quality Christian education for bi-vocational leaders with their pastoral ministry training classes. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be trained and will use the tools in the pastoral ministry training of future leaders in my ministry. Thank you and God Bless you greatly!

Is Pastoral Ministry Training In Your Future?

CLI encourages all who have a passion for pastoral ministry training to enroll. Click here to begin your pastoral ministry training! You can begin the getting started class immediately after signing up! Also read more about us and our students on facebook! God bless.



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