My Pastor Heart From God

Hello, my name is George DeWitt and I have a Pastor heart for the lost. I live in the United States. I am a Pastor in the mountains of North Carolina. I love serving the Lord.

I was saved in 1992, in a small church in the mountains. I was not expecting that I was in need of a Savior as is everyone. Since that time I have grown more and more in the Lord. God put a calling on my heart that is so amazing that words could not describe. He has blessed me with a heart of a Pastor, to preach His word, see souls get saved, families reconciled and broken lives mended. I am so thankful I went to the Potter’s house many years ago, for He saw a broken vessel and put the pieces together.

I grew up in a foster home. My schooling was not very good and I didn’t care about that much but after my childhood and my wild times as a teenager and young man, the Lord came by my way. I heard the gospel story, how a man name Jesus loved me enough to go to a cross and die for me. The Holy Spirit started a work in me that day and He is still working on me. Amen and Amen. So anyway, I was looking for some high-quality education online to help me in my studies because studying and serving God just gets better and better and I found Christian Leaders Institute. I want to say thank you CLI for this opportunity for and chance to learn more and more. God bless you and this ministry and may it reach more than it has already.


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