Pastor Calling Journey

Pastor Calling Journey

Hello, my name is Windy Ann Trammell and I am on a  pastor calling journey. I live in Joanna, South Carolina in the United States of America. I came to know the Lord as my Savior, on my bedroom floor, crying for the Lord Jesus Christ to take over my life. The years before I gave my life to the Lord were filled with ups and downs as I was involved in drugs and alcohol, etc. When I came to Jesus after he began tugging on my heart, there was this glorious change in my life and it just kept getting better and better. After a few years of growing closer to the Lord, I began to sense that God was calling me to become a pastor.

I live in South Carolina and have been seeking to serve the Lord here by using my God-given gifts to uplift and encourage others and to spread the gospel to those who are searching for Him. I feel that Christian Leaders Institute is where I need to be to receive the training I need so that I can become far more than simply a pastor. I firmly believe that with this free ministry education and with God’s guidance along the way some of the lost will be found and some of the weak will be made strong all to the glory of my Lord and Savior. My spiritual dream is to pastor a church that God has used me to plant. I am excited to see what God will do in my life and in his kingdom as I serve him wherever he leads me. May God bless CLI and those who serve in his kingdom!

Learn about ordained minister study programs and minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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