Pastor and Youth Leader Training

Pastor and Youth Leader Training

Join today and receive a scholarship towards Pastor and Youth Leader training and many more studies. With CLI, you can become a leader in Christian ministry. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is studying pastor and youth leader training. He is using the scholarship to make a difference in individuals’ lives and to spread the word of God.

My name is Tristen Wells. I’m from Houston, TX. I am blessed to live in the U.S.A., where we are blessed to have freedom of religion. With that being said, we also have a lot of churches that do not teach sound doctrine. This is one of the main reasons why I choose CLI for my education so that I won’t follow in their footsteps.
   I began my walk with Christ (consciously) when I was 17. I was a knuckle head student at Romulus High School at the time, and I stayed in trouble because I lacked attention and love. My mother around that time had just attempted to commit suicide and was classified as bipolar. I also was involved in the street life selling drugs and almost lost my life in a drug deal gone bad. Fortunately, God always sends his helper to get those who have gone astray. I had a teacher named Mrs. Brinston who took me under her wing and started to preach Christ to me. She started to treat me like her own son and took me to church with her every Sunday whether I wanted to go or not. From that point on I had a lot of questions about the gospel which most people could not answer. I was really critical of the word and didn’t understand much about it, besides going to church. One day, I got so frustrated with the lack of knowledge of the people who claimed to know Christ. I started to read the bible from beginning to end (mostly looking for in consistents because Jesus sounded too good to be true) but the more I read the more interested I became in getting to know Christ. Of course, I was a stubborn and prideful teen, so I didn’t abide by any of God’s commandments or statutes. Once God starts a work in you, he will see it to completion. So after mistake after mistake, failure after failure, and one time many trips to jail, I began to accept the fact that my way wasn’t working. At that moment, I chose to depend on God completely.
  My ministry dream is to preach and mentor kids and teens that were like me. To help them find Christ and develop a loving relationship with the one and only true God
   This class has blessed me with affirmation. Everything that CLI represents I am about. My favorite lecture so far is the 7 connections. It explains to me the balance in relationships required to have a steadfast and productive relationship with God in every aspect of life from family to the world. I’m blessed to have found the school after hours of searching the internet and school tours. I thank God for CLI.
Honestly, I’m not a fan of titles but I believe I identify mostly with youth leader and pastor, but when I asked my wife she told me I was evangelist
The main reasons I choose to pursue ministry is because when I started to go to church on my own, I was met with so much judgment and neglect that I was discouraged from pursuing a relationship with Christ. I promised myself that I would study the word and become knowledgeable in the scriptures. I would never turn away a hungry soul seeking guidance. For all you know, you could be the closest thing to Christ a non-believer has ever seen.
    Some of the challenges in my geographic area are the inner city youth, who are often neglected when it comes to ministry. The bible connection has brought encouragement in my life to continue my pursuit in ministry. My church has help me by offering oppurtunies to serve in the church and not just be an ideal member. I also thank God for a supportive wife who believes in my God given purpose. She witnessed me convert from sinner to saint and she continues to love me through it all. That is why I need a scholarship for CLI because without it I can not afford traditional seminary school. This scholarship will give me access to what I need to become a leader and teacher of sound doctrine. I will be able to study pastor and youth leader training to follow my calling. The main thing that I ask you guys to pray for is that I remain steadfast, hungry for Christ, and to remain humble through it all.

Check out more stories about CLI students seeking pastor and youth leader training and becoming leaders in Christian ministry and much more on the CLI Facebook page

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