Pastor Training Helps This Zimbabwe Native Follow His Calling


My name is Moses Jasi and I’m 30 years of age.

I was born in Harare a town in Zimbabwe.

Today I currently am working as an assistant pastor with one of the local ministries in a nearby suburb.

I thank God for my ministry dream, to be able to build an evangelistic team that runs parallel to the local church that I submit and serve in. I have felt a need to further training as a pastor but was not sure how. When I first came across this online platform I saw an opportunity that enabled me to further my desire to become a better pastor.

I felt a call of God upon my life at a very tender age and later realized it after I gave my life to Christ on 23 December 1999. My dream is to pursue training as a pastor so I can help raise a youth that will be able to take the message of the cross into their societies. It came to me that if no one had preached to me when I was in junior school, “What could have happened to me?” Now I would like to go back to my home area and engage in a schools ministry. I would be preaching and teaching to youth in colleges and high schools about knowing God when you are still young.

I gave my life to Jesus in 1999. This was one of the most important things I have ever done. That day changed my life and it has influenced my present and life to come. Thank God for Christian Leaders Institute. I came to know that eternal life starts the day you give your life to Christ. That experience alone and seeing my old friends and colleagues still living in sin, unsaved, has prompted me to pursue pastor training. With Christian Leaders Institute I can pursue Ministry training free and safe online.

A unique challenge I have faced here in Zimbabwe is the fees that are associated with a local Bible school. Their fees and the curriculum they are offering have not been an encouragement to me. That’s why when I came across CLI I felt this is what I am looking for. Thank you Rev. Reyenga for an initiative in online free ministry training.

My local church has been of positive impact in my training as a pastor. With the help of my pastor and mentor, Pastor Ackson Mudarikire, I have had opportunities to grow. I have been given an opportunity to run a campaign with the youth and sometimes I get to preach at a church service. This platform has been of great help to get me to realize that I will always need extra training.

My family has played a major role in my calling to pursue training to become a pastor. Thanks to my father who has been a pillar of strength. He encouraged me in times when I was losing hope. My father was the first preacher in my life. With his help I prepared my first sermon in life at the age of 10. He serves as an elder in one of the local Presbyterian Churches in Harare .We as a Christian family we take time to pray and study the Bible together. This has contributed positively in my calling and the family has been a place of great comfort and encouragement.

At this point in time I really thank God for Christian Leaders Institute because it stands with donations we contribute. My finances are squeezed and I cannot afford a paid tuition for my dreams to come true. I really appreciate the miracle of being awarded a scholarship at CLI. Without it I could not pursue ministry training during this time of my life. This is not an opportunity that I take for granted. Just to come and learn something that will impact your life for eternity is priceless. It will be my honor to be considered for a scholarship and to be able to further my studies in theology. Thank you very much for this online platform and may God bless you.

This man heard a calling exceptionally early in life. Assembling a sermon at the age of 10 and searching for a deeper relationship with Jesus his whole life has led him to seek training as a pastor. Here at Christian Leaders Institute we are excited to help people learn their way to a wonderful relationship with God. SIGN UP HERE or DONATE HERE to help someone on their journey.
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